The Culture With Elongated Heads

The Tribe that practices artificial cranial deformation

Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History


A photo of some Mangbetu women and a child with artificial cranial deformation (Photo Sources: Wikipedia, Rare historical photos — Edited by Author)

The Mangbetu are a south Sudan tribe who migrated southward to where they are presently located in the northeastern part of the Peoples Republic of Congo. In the course of their migration, they came across the Bantu, and in their present location at their arrival in the 19th century were the Mbuti. Their culture and language were a blend of Bantu and Mbuti. They formed a well-organized Kingdom that became a strong political force to be reckoned with under Nabiembale until 1880 when Sudanic and Islamic slave dealers invaded their territory and fragmented them into sultanates led by Muslim leaders who were later expelled by the arrival of the Belgians.

The Mangbetu Tribe

They are subsistence farmers who use a hoe for farming Plantain and yam which are their major products; they also do some fishing, hunting, and cattle rearing. However, among the Mangbetu tribe, women are not permitted to do milking and livestock is a measure of wealth and could be given as a bride price.

The Mangbetu people practice Animism; they worship a creator called Kilima or Noro. They believe that Ara is a water god which takes the form of an animal and should be revered. They again believe that humans can be reincarnated into animals…



Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History

Psychologist/ Top Writer, Lover of GOD and People. I write mostly on History, Travel, Leadership, and Culture. My religion is Love.