The Oldest Tribe in Africa

The Bushmen of South Africa were the first tribe in Africa

Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History


A photo of a man from the San Tribe(Photo source:

The San people who were famously called “Bushmen’’
by the European Colonists are a hunter- gatherer population who lived in South Africa way before the other Bantu – speaking tribes settled there, and they dwelt there for thousands of years before the Europeans stepped into the land. The tribe is known to be the first people in South Africa.

The San Tribe

The tribe speaks the Khoikhoi and San languages from which other languages have evolved over time including the Hottentot which is popular and widely spoken in South Africa, even the South African Motto inscribed on her Coat of Arms is written in the San language- !ke e: /xarra //ke which literally means ‘diverse people unite’.

The San people are a good example of hunter – gatherer tribe who have evolved centuries through the Stone Age and an account of the Stone Age history depicts the lifestyle of the San tribe, for example the remains of the human skeleton from the last 10, 000 years bear a resemblance with those of the San people of the 19th and 20th century.

Again the features, qualities, traits and lifestyle of the present day San people look like those of the artifacts which dates back to late Stone Age…



Belinda Mallasasime
The Story in History

Psychologist/ Top Writer, Lover of GOD and People. I write mostly on History, Travel, Leadership, and Culture. My religion is Love.