Writing Authentic Military Scenes

An Author’s Guide to Military Uniforms

Make sure you choose the right one for your character

Randall Surles
The Story Ninja
Published in
10 min readAug 6, 2021


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

If you are going to write about soldiers, one of the sure-fire things you need to get right is the uniforms, especially if you want veterans and their families to enjoy the book. Nothing irritates me more than when I’m reading a book or watching a movie than to see the wrong uniform described or used.

WARNING: This article will discuss primarily Army uniforms. Though there is some cross-over between the services, as a former Army Veteran, I only claim to be an expert in Army uniforms.

Every Soldier in the Army uses three basic uniforms: the Army Physical Fitness Uniform, the Army Combat Uniform, and the Army Service Uniform. Additionally, depending on the job, a Service Member may be issued and authorized to wear other uniforms. The Army has a webpage that discusses all of its new uniforms coming out and how they will be worn. The Army Service Uniform is normally used during special functions, military balls, parades, and specific work environments where civilians would normally wear suits and ties. The Army Combat Uniform is the uniform that Service members use daily during normal workdays.



Randall Surles
The Story Ninja

Retired Army Ranger and Green Beret, Digital Nomad, Author, Developmental Editor. Find out more at www.randysurles.com.