Designing the Community for Beerio

Nic Barajas
The Story of Beerio
2 min readFeb 25, 2015

My Kickstarter campaign for Beerio, my Kickstarter project, is nearing its final days. It’s a personal craft beer journaling app, meant for folks like me who love finding great beer—not necessarily a highly opinionated beer nerd (sorry beer nerds). But what do I mean by “folks like me,” anyway?

The quintessential action shot. Looks great next to a delicious beer.

It’s a good — and important — question. It’s definitely not supposed to be for everyone, and so I thought I’d describe some of the characteristics of the folks who might like this app:

  • It’s for the craft beer explorer. This means folks who like to seek out new beers, breweries, styles—and to keep an open mind about them. To me, it’s about always being curious.
  • It’s for people who want to remember. I don’t care if you call it self-quantization or note-taking or anything else, the point is to have a reference for what you’ve had and what you thought. I love the Field Notes motto: “I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now.”
  • It’s for someone who’s not too serious. I’m passionate about craft beer, but I also know what it’s all about: having a great beer. Nothing else matters if you’re drinking something you like.

Does this sound like you? I encourage you to read more about the project or support it on Kickstarter. I’m also planning some ideas around exploring craft beer in a comfortable setting. If that piques your interest, sign up for a Beerio email newsletter, The Beerio Virtual Mug Club.

I’d also love feedback on the project: I’m on Twitter as @nicbarajas.



Nic Barajas
The Story of Beerio

Editor, designer, IXD MFA grad. Trying to improve the built world.