Tim Groot
The Story Of Grip
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2015


@Primdahl & @Karstendc

At Grip we aim to bring every professional opportunity, just a handshake away. In this series we take a look at handshakes between inspiring people that were the starting point of something great.

Last week we started these series with the handshake between Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy. Which is obviously trivial compared to this weeks handshake between Morten Primdahl, CTO of Zendesk and Karsten Deppert, Co-Founder of Contentor and Oresund Startup News.

The handshake happened when the two met up to talk about the technical challenges Zendesk has faced since it was founded in 2007. Primdahl spoke with passion and detail about distributed teams, legacy code, and the scaling up of technical operations.

You can list to the full podcast here:

Want to start getting your own handshakes with awesome people, and who knows? Maybe record a podcast together? Whatever you do one thing is for sure, it starts with a handshake.

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Tim Groot
The Story Of Grip

There Are Things Known, and Things Unknown, and In Between Are the Doors