Honeyland | Lore

HBN: Poisonous Gas Fills Cocarro Atmosphere

(Chapter 11: A Cocarro Tale)

The Story of Honeyland


Welcome to HoneyBee News, I’m Betty Buzz and this is your latest update from Cocarro.

Ever since the discovery of the Cocarro portal, the Main Hive has been sending exploratory research teams of Bees in order to learn more. If you missed our latest story, about the Gemstones of Cocarro, you can catch up in our story archive at honey.land/lore.

Now, to the latest reports. The most recent teams of Bees to return from Cocarro have reported an interesting atmospheric phenomenon. It appears that the very air of Cocarro is mildly toxic to Bees. Reasons as to why this is the case are unknown at this time, although the native toy tribe appear to lay blame at the feet of a small cake by the name of Victoria Sponge, meanwhile, the native food people appear to blame a Robodog. Without further information, we cannot know who is responsible.

What we do know is that this toxicity was not noticed during the first few expeditions into Cocarro. Our scientists are suggesting that this is down to one of two reasons. The first reason is that this toxicity is a new phenomenon and wasn’t present during those first missions. Or, the second reason, that the Bees were not in Cocarro for long enough for this toxicity to begin taking effect.

Take a look at this short transcript from Gino di Buzzetti’s interview with Squad Leader Waxillium Rose, one of the Bees who has recently returned from Cocarro.

di Buzzetti: “Squad Leader Rose..”

Rose: “Please, Gino, call me Wax.”

di Buzzetti: “Of course. Wax, you’ve just returned from Cocarro, before we go any further, please could you tell us what it was like?”

Rose: “Certainly, we entered the portal and Cocarro shimmered into existence around us after about 5 minutes. It’s a land of rich color, with strange landscapes and plant life. The sky is blue but there is a haze of marmalade orange. We bumped into a force of locals not long after we set out, a troop of toy soldiers, clearly on patrol.”

di Buzzetti: “What were your instructions, if you were to encounter armed locals?”

Rose: “We were to attempt to engage peacefully to learn more about the state of the land. To this end, we carried white flags, although we were also armed in the event of any hostility.”

di Buzzetti: “And how did the locals respond?”

Rose: “Thankfully, they were quick to acknowledge our white flag and realized we had arrived with peaceful intentions. After establishing that we all spoke the same language, it was easy enough to communicate and trade information.”

di Buzzetti: “I assume there’s only so much you can tell us at this point, but please, share what you learned.”

Rose: “Naturally, there is still a lot of information that needs to be processed by Command, but I have been cleared to talk to you about the toxic atmosphere. As I said earlier, the sky was tinged with marmalade orange, which turns out to be the color of a poisonous gas that has been leaking out into the atmosphere from below ground.”

di Buzzetti: “Yes, the atmosphere. Tell us more about it. What does it smell like or taste like? What are the effects on the locals? Most importantly, how does it affect Bees like us?”

Rose: “When you initially arrive, the first few breaths of Cocarro air tingle in the lungs. The feeling fades after that though, as your body adjusts to the new atmosphere. Similarly the taste of the air is fleetingly bitter, as if someone had dabbed mustard on your tongue. But within a few minutes you don’t even notice it. The main effect that the atmosphere seems to have on the locals is that it reduces their ability to stand upright, and can garble their speech. Thankfully, there is a local elixir that can protect against the toxin for a short while. It’s called Marmalade Skies Beer and is available in all good stores.”

di Buzzetti: “And for Bees like us?”

Rose: “Oh yes, my squad and I were all poisoned by the atmosphere. It’s an unusual thing for us Bees. Basically, you just get progressively weaker and weaker until you become unconscious. However, the odd thing about this toxin is that it leaves part of your brain functioning and you are able to navigate your way back to your Hive. It’s quite haunting to watch your squadmates collapse, then get back up and slowly fly away, while snoring. The good news is that Marmalade Skies Beer also works for us Bees, so we were able to continue the mission once we’d secured a good supply of the elixir.”

di Buzzetti: “Fascinating! How did it take effect upon your squad? Were you all laid low at the same time or did you all have different tolerances?”

Rose: “That’s a good question, Gino. Actually we were all affected at different times. Our squad is deliberately chosen for our variety of skills and abilities. There is careful consideration to give the squad balance. That being said, the team members that were slowest to be affected had the highest constitution scores on their records.”

di Buzzetti: “When you say the highest constitution scores, you mean…”

Unknown Airforce Commander: “Squad Leader, I’m afraid we need to cut the interview here. Mr di Buzzetti, I’ll show you out.”

As you can see, Squad Leader Rose was unable to provide any further information. HoneyBee News assumes that this information has not yet been confirmed and will be further investigated by the Main Hive and Airforce Command. Once that information has been officially released, HBN will bring it to you through all the usual channels.

However, we do have some news that has recently come to light. The first impression of this toxic atmosphere was that it affected all of Cocarro. Some locals have said that Victoria Sponge, thought to be at blame for the toxicity, has found a way to stop the poison being added to the atmosphere. Thanks to her work in stopping up the leaks, some areas of Cocarro have seen a lessening of the toxicity levels.

It’s believed that Victoria Sponge and her friend, Robodog, were out exploring when they triggered a cave-in. This cave-in appears to have released the toxic gas into the atmosphere. We’ve been told that Robodog has not been found after the cave in, and Victoria Sponge had to make the difficult choice to return to the surface and abandon the search, assuming that Robodog might have died.

For now, Cocarro is still off limits to the general population, although word is that the travel ban will be lifted in the near future. It certainly sounds like a wonderful opportunity for the Honeyland Bees and we’re excited to see what the future holds.

HBN will continue to bring you news about Cocarro as it breaks. Tune in regularly to make sure you don’t miss anything. I’m Betty Buzz, wishing you a very heartfelt, Zzub Zzub!

Read the previous story: Chapter 10: A Cocarro Tale — An Interdimensional Department Store

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