My Coaching Services!

The products and services I offer!

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Story Smith


Photo by Josiah Lewis on Unsplash

Writing Coach Service — $124.99

What do you get? A minimum of three passes over your story. Each pass includes assistance with story structure, on-the-page revisions, and technical editing using Grammarly Pro and ProWriting Aid.

The side benefit is that I’ll teach you as we go so the next time is easier for you to write your story yourself!

And you will have the option of having their story published on one of the three TSL Medium publications depending on the subject matter!

And trust me, this isn’t a vanity press, so you are not going to be falsely flattered because you pay me. We’ll write a story worth publishing one way or another, but just remember, your Faery Godmother🧚🏻‍♀️doesn’t give out pats on the head for money. Never fear though, because she does give out plenty of pats on the head for hard work❤️

So, if you’ve got a story in you but don’t know how to get it out, I’ll help you do that in a way you can be proud of! Here’s the link to get…

