Poetry Writing Prompts — Week Nine

Writing prompts for February 25th to March 2nd

Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault
3 min readFeb 22, 2024


Welcome to Week Nine of our 2024 Writing Prompt Journey!

We have three new prompts awaiting you, and two words/concepts for each that you can try to include in your poems (if you crave a challenge).

Also, if any of these prompts fail to inspire, but the images take you in an entirely different direction, please feel free to follow where your muse leads!

Your poems may be in any form and use any poetic devices, but here are a few different ideas of poetic forms to get you started:

  • tanka: a 5-line poem with the syllable structure 5/7/5/7/7
  • etheree: a poem that is 10 lines, starting with a single syllable in the first line and adding one syllable per line until the final line is 10 syllables long.
  • magnetic poem: a poem created from random words and phrases, rearranged into a coherent piece. If you don’t have a magnetic poetry set, try using a random word generator and writing the words onto small scraps of paper. Rearrange these words until a poem is formed.

The simple rules for this Journey:

  1. Pick a prompt (or two or three!) and get…



Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault

Introvert, writer, wanderer, wonderer ... obsessed with creating writing prompts and poetry. Follow me for your 3X weekly dose of inspiration!