Poetry Writing Prompts — Week Nineteen

Prompts for May 7th to 13th

Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault
3 min readMay 10, 2022


Photo by Bernd Schulz on Unsplash

Welcome to Week Nineteen of the 2022 Writing Prompt Journey!

As always, we have three new prompts awaiting you, and two words/concepts for each that you can try to include in your poems (if you crave a challenge).

Your poems may be in any form and use any poetic device, but here are a few different ideas of poetic forms to get you started:

  • acrostic poem: choose a word (the subject of the poem) and write it vertically down the left side of the page. Every line must start with the corresponding letter at the left of the page.
  • loop poem: a poem without length or syllable structure requirements. The last word of each line becomes the first word of the next. Generally follows an abcb rhyme scheme. See here for common variations and some great examples from Hellon, the creator of this form.
  • etheree: a poem that is 10 lines, starting with a single syllable in the first line and adding one syllable per line until the final line is 10 syllables long.

The simple rules for this Journey:

  1. Pick a prompt (or two or three!) and get writing.
  2. Post in our Publication, or post…



Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault

Introvert, writer, wanderer, wonderer ... obsessed with creating writing prompts and poetry. Follow me for your 3X weekly dose of inspiration!