Week Forty-Eight Writing Prompts

Fiction, non-fiction, and poetry prompts for November 26th to December 2nd

Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault


Welcome to Week Forty-Eight of our 2023 Writing Prompt Journey!

This week, we have three brand new prompts for fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. I am eagerly looking forward to reading the brilliant stories and insightful verses that will leap from your talented minds! If this week’s prompts don’t quite ignite your inspiration, feel free to explore our previous prompts for ideas.

Photo by Leon-Pascal Janjic on Unsplash

If you’d like more info on this Writing Journey, including the few simple rules, click here. And if you would like to read some of the wonderful writing in response to our prompts so far, check out the links at the bottom of this newsletter!

(If I have missed adding any of your prompt responses to the links, please let me know!)

The Storyteller’s Vault on Medium publishes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction works that are written in response to prompts from the Writing Prompt Journey.

If you would like to be a writer, please comment on this post and include your Medium @username so we can add you.

The Aim of The Storyteller’s Vault on Medium

  • To create a supportive community of writers and readers! Please spend some time reading, sharing, and supporting each other’s work, as that will help all of us to grow while doing what we love.
  • To create a safe space where we all feel encouraged to write more. It’s what we love doing, so I hope this publication makes spending more time doing what we love easier. I will be highlighting, clapping, and commenting as much as possible to show my support for all the talent and hard work!

The Goal of the 2023 Writing Prompt Journey

Write as much as you can this year. Write weekly. Write three times weekly (there are three prompts a week each for Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry). Go all out and try writing every day!

With these prompts as your inspiration, you can just sit down and start writing.

How to Get Started

Subscribe to my Substack newsletter and/or subscribe to The Storyteller’s Vault publication on Medium, and every week we will send out links so you can access all the prompt posts for FREE on Medium (whether you are a paid member on that platform or not).

Week Forty-Eight’s Prompt Links:




Writing Prompt Journey Responses

Show your support, reading, clapping, and responding to these talented writers who’ve joined the journey! I’ve made some reading lists below to help us all find and support each other’s works (organized by writing category).

Poetry Responses

Fiction Responses

Non-Fiction Responses

See you back here for Week Forty-Nine!



Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault

Introvert, writer, wanderer, wonderer ... obsessed with creating writing prompts and poetry. Follow me for your 3X weekly dose of inspiration!