When Rainbows Snow

50 Shades of color

Star Love Grey
The Storyteller’s Vault


Image: Star Love Grey (AI Motionleap)

My mother used to tell me rainbows snowed.
Never seen a rainbow really explode,
but that’s what must happen, or so I’m told.
All must be perfect and so very cold.

Each rainbow, I’d ask, “Mom, will that explode?”
“If you’re lucky, you’ll see that beauty bode.”
“When it explodes, will we always get snowed?”
“Yes, and the snow will be colored so bold.”

Many rainbows have come, but no snow showed.
Each one I see, I wish it would unfold.
Conditions must be perfect and so cold.
A rainbow that snows is rare, so I’m told.

At last, a prism and its spectrum glowed.
Below zero gave hope for sights foretold.
I stared at the sight, and watched it explode.
Fluffy, colored snow, to Earth it bestowed.

I won’t forget seeing how the snow flowed,
or the rainbow falling down to the World.
A once-in-a-lifetime sight was endowed.
I wish my Mom could have been in the crowd.



Star Love Grey
The Storyteller’s Vault

I am the opened Pandora’s Box. Actress/Singer/Dancer, Writer, Poet. I’ll write any genre if it holds still long enough. Other boring stuff, but I’ll run out of