What Really Happens Inside a Supermarket After a Hurricane

We all have a ‘Sandy’ story to tell — here’s mine

Vera-Marie Landi
The Storyteller’s Vault


Photo by Wesley Shen on Unsplash

Hurricane Sandy hit hard and left us with stories to tell. Mine is about the happenings in a supermarket after the power is out for 24 hours and the steps needed to recover.

Waiting for the inevitable

At 7:00 p.m. I sat in bed watching the Weather Channel while they were announcing that Superstorm Sandy was going to hit in 20 minutes. At just about 7:20, there were loud noises outside my window. It sounded as if something huge rolled off my roof and then landed alongside my house.

The power shut off at that moment, and I lay in bed for a while listening to the highest winds I’d ever heard. It was deafening to the ears and sounded as if a train were passing by.

Additionally, one could hear garbage cans and other unknown objects flying by and hitting the ground.

Then it got quiet, and I finally fell asleep in total darkness.

When I awoke the next morning and looked out the window, the aftermath of the storm was shocking. There were many branches down in the parking lot in front of my building. From another window, I could see trees lying down along the road that ran up the other side of my…



Vera-Marie Landi
The Storyteller’s Vault

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and walking. My publications are about keeping good stories at the forefront for all to read and re-read.