Write For The Storyteller’s Vault

Submission guidelines

Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault


Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Welcome to The Storyteller’s Vault!

The Storyteller’s Vault publishes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction works that are written in response to prompts from the 2022 Writing Prompt Journey.

If you would like to be a writer, please comment on this post and include your username so we can add you.

When submitting writing to The Storyteller’s Vault, please follow the guidelines below:

  • You must be following this publication.
  • Prompted Posts. Your posts must be in response to a prompt (either a prompt from this publication, but a prompt from another Medium publication is allowed as well). You must link back to the prompt you have used within your post.
  • Drafts. All submissions must be in draft form (not previously published). This is to ensure your writing gets as much attention as possible, since Medium sorts posts by date published.
  • Tags. All submissions must be tagged with either “poetry”, “fiction", or “nonfiction" to ensure they are categorized correctly within the publication. IF your writing is in response to one of The Storyteller’s Vault’s writing prompts, please also include the tag “Writing Prompt Journey". Do not use the tag “writing prompt,” as this…



Chelsea Marie
The Storyteller’s Vault

Introvert, writer, wanderer, wonderer ... obsessed with creating writing prompts and poetry. Follow me for your 3X weekly dose of inspiration!