You Should Write for The Straight Shot! This Is Why!

A publication for new and veteran writers created by Teri Nickels.

Teri Nickels' Writer's Nook
The Straight Shot
3 min readNov 2, 2023


Created By Author (Teri Nickels)

The Straight Shot is a space for unapologetic humor, personal essays, original poetry, and reflective pieces based on straightforward views of love, marriage, relationships, dating, and the single life.

Love = Laughing + Crying + Learning

Now, Let’s Break Down This Funny Thing Called LOVE:

Laughing: We are all imperfect humans. And we experience love, dating, and the single life in various ways. Sometimes, we experience memorable situations that, at the moment, make us feel vulnerable, confused, naive, or even angry.

Still, when you look back, it makes you chuckle a little because you know that you are a different version of yourself than you were even a year ago.

Crying: We go through a rollercoaster of emotions as couples, singles ready to mingle, and singles who are tired of the human species. Crying isn’t always bad. We may cry when we are happy, sad, frustrated, or excited. Crying or reflecting on one’s feelings is good for the soul.

Learning: Not every relationship has a fairy tale ending, and being single isn’t always a walk in a rose-filled park.

But in every successful or non-successful relationship, there is always something that helps us grow and understand ourselves more. No one comes into our lives without educating us in some way.

And even being single can teach you something about yourself, others, and the world around you.

Submission Guidelines For Writers:

  1. Only unpublished articles will be accepted.

2. You must follow the guidelines of Medium for content and the use of pictures.

3. No articles longer than 6 minutes.

4. You can use profanity — but not in excess.

5. Leave the readers with something that may linger in the back of their minds or create a conversation — at the very end of your article, such as a quote, a lesson, a joke, a riddle, or even a rule that you may follow in a current or previous relationship.

6. You must use the tag: Straight Shot for every submitted article.

7. You must use at least one of the following tags: Love, Marriage, Relationships, Dating, or Humor.

Tip: If you use the tags love, relationships, and/or humor, you could eventually become a top writer and receive a top writer badge sent to your email!

If you are interested in writing for The Straight Shot, please comment below.

If you have any questions about the publication, please feel free to email ( or send me a private note!

About The Creator of The Straight Shot:

Teri Nickels is the creator of The Straight Shot.

Through Teri Nickels ‘ Straight Shot, Nickels is known on Medium for her honest, sarcastic, and unpopular take on men and women.

Nickels has accumulated over 45,000 views, 15,000 reads, and 3,000 followers since publishing her first article in February 2023. Nickels is a Texas Native with a B.A. in Communication.

She is currently working on her first novel.

Teri Nickels

P.S. Wait! Why aren’t you following me on Teri Nickels’ Straight Shot?!

Shame on you!

Well, I will forgive you if you go follow right now — not now, but right now!

So, carry on! But make sure you follow me! Please and thank you. :)



Teri Nickels' Writer's Nook
The Straight Shot

A Place to Learn About Medium From a Writer With 2 Alter Egos & 3 Profiles | Bi-Weekly Memos for New Medium Writers |