But, Dude: Our Knowledge

Shreyas Jukanti
The Stranger’s Mind
4 min readMar 2, 2021
Evolutionary Biology

Dude: Your last strain was a disappointment man, this one better be good.

But: Fuck you, Dude! I’d blame your control threshold and your Amsterdam retreat. 😠

Dude: Do I smell a hint of jealousy in your tone?

But: How the fuck would you smell a tone, Dude?🖕

Dude: Ok listen, I got some fresh content. Wanna bounce it off your business acumen.

But: Ah, Amsterdam wasn’t a retreat after all. Shoot!

Our knowledge.
Our knowledge is distributed across various disciplines.
Our knowledge is distributed across various languages.
Our knowledge is distributed across various cultures and traditions.
Our knowledge is distributed across various imaginary boundaries.
Our knowledge is distributed across various fields of science.
Our knowledge is distributed across literature.
Our knowledge is distributed across human experiences.
Our knowledge is distributed across generations of human experiences.
Our knowledge is distributed across the history.
Our knowledge is distributed across the history of time.
Our knowledge is distributed across the past, the present, and the future.
Our knowledge is distributed across all the humans that ever existed.
Our knowledge is distributed across all the species that ever existed.
Our knowledge is distributed across all the experiences that ever happened.
Our knowledge is distributed across everything that was documented or not.
Our knowledge is distributed across the subjectiveness of our beings.
Our knowledge is distributed across the diversity of our individual consciousness.
Our knowledge is distributed across the known universe’s [multiverse’s 🤷‍♂] unified consciousness.
Our knowledge — known universe’s unified consciousness

But: That’s an interesting prelude. I see that you are building up the premise to your set, seems too verbose though.

Considering our knowledge is distributed across time [a dimensional construct: including past and future], how sure are we about all the lifelong promises we make, the core values that we model our life on, the dogmatic opinions we live with, the rigid legalities we preach and practice, the immutable actions we perform on daily basis?

But: Ah, now I see the direction, gonna be a long set…

Could we maybe be a little more considerate, more patient, more forgiving, less adamant towards eachother? With an intent to acquire more of the unified knowledge, make more reasonable life decisions [better subjective individualistic life decisions] while also inherently contributing to the growth of this unified [singleton] knowledge.

But: Oh man, moral education in stand-up is not going to fly. Folks wanna laugh at an anecdote, better yet, a satirical one. To control the mass hysteria, you need to control the narrative, you can’t do that with this kind of potent content, either mild it down or change the …

Seems simple enough, right? If so, why don’t we all just do it? What’s stopping each one of us to just roll up our sleeves and get to work, better life decisions for a better quality of life, and growth of our unified knowledge.

But: Okay, I sense a deeper narrative here. A conundrum of sorts. This no way can be part of a stand-up routine unless you can pull off a George Carlin again! 🤞

And that’s when we get into an interesting field of science, Evolutionary Biology. How much of you is really you and how much of you is driven by your biology, your natural biological instinct? Think about the time when you snapped at your spouse, the time when you reacted instead of responding to a coworker, the time when a stranger cut you off on a freeway, the time when you were pulled over by the cops and many more. These behavioral patterns, the default mode is driving you more often than you’d think and the conscious you is conveniently taking a back seat, playing a role of an emotionally invested spectator. And sometimes even worse, you’d justify these actions because you associate this default mode as a part you, you define [limit] yourself with these patterns. On the contrary, these patterns are genetically coded into your system as a default mode, a filler, a placeholder per se and the override capabilities are provided to you. You would just need some time to figure out how to override these patterns and practice them till they replace your default ones. And of course all of us mortals only have a bounded time and an unbounded number of possibilities. Isn’t that the journey of life? Or …

But: Whoa Dude! I’m glad Amsterdam happened. This is spectacular, let’s not waste this material on a comedy special. I have better ideas for this content, it has a lot of potential, move it to the WIP pile.

Dude: Come on, man! Did you see our WIP pile recently, it’s gonna explode soon. Or do I need a change of manager?

But: Yeah, you should do that. 😂

Inspiration: Bret Weinstein, George Carlin, Joe Rogan

