The Pen

S. D. Hallett
The Study
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2015


The pen

Friend, Enemy, Training Partner, Lover, Coach and Worst Nightmare.


It runs. Even when it has no legs to stand upon, it runs.

It trips, it stumbles, it takes hold of the air and launches itself screaming into the abyss.

It laughs when half way across

the chasm it realises it has no

wings yet forces onwards

toward the ever-closening


The impact shakes itself free of its own bloody face —

peels the tattered remnants of its flesh from the stone,

And Laughs and Launches itself,

Blood curdled cry of its agony lending it footholds in the foreign air.

But the air, this air,

it can no longer be called foreign,

It is not a visitation.

Look through the wreck that peeled itself off of Dover.

The tatters are not mere surface scrapes,

there are chunks missing,

those that clung on did so around

gaps in the fabric of the corporeal.

The pike, knife and spike wounds

are as nothing to the flapping

voids torn by the rock face

as the pen impaled itself upon

its own imaginary wings.

But look!

Neither pen, nor impaled, is sad —

The pen has puffed his chest with pride

and the impaled has roared his lungs clear with laughter

Laughter at the suffering

that he and pen

conspired to create

A suffering that is not mere

proof of life, but affirmation.

A suffering that hurts so much

there can be nothing but laughter —

But the laugh — tearing itself

with unknowable joy from the lungs that are holed and half-vanished;

torn out and devoured by the hungry cliff face —

This laugh

That holds it head on broken neck,

that fills its lung from empty sack

It fills itself

It expells itself

It surpasses and excells itself

It tears the wings from from In- to corporeal

It lights fires in the eyes

Forces the pump — whether it still possesses

the machinery or not

And once more

it grasps the pen, looks him in the eye

‘right lad, once more for fun’

And they charge, trip, soar, plummet and stumble

But they have won the air,

torn themselves free of mortal shoe

looked the gods in the eye

torn through Hades with nought

but a few rivulets of flesh as a parting gift

And leapt roaring into the abyss

searching for its eyes

longing to hold its gaze again

and reclaim their joyous mastery

But it shifts and flees!

Such a weakling this unknowable night when pinned upon a burning light,

laughter, ringing, roaring in his ears;

he cringes, cowers, eyes full of tears.

The void fears the Non like day fears the night

Do not gaze meekly into the abyss

tortured at the thought of how you cannot stand

Look! Hold! Laugh!

Laugh with the frivolous purity of solemn purpose

Hold his gaze

Let your heart burn true

The abyss is nothing

and in that it is all.

Let your heart burn true

Don’t waver and wander

tremble and squander

Let your heart burn true

The abyss is not destruction,

it is absence

That longs to be filled!

It is aching and craving and lonely

It needs the non-void

like in needs out in order to be.

It is and can be only that which it is given?

So why give it fear and weakness?

Why make it suffer?

If all it can be is that which you offer —

why crawl mewling, aching, lonely and terrified?

You have just proved that is all there is and can be,

you are a fool.

Laugh and it laughs with you

Cry and you’ll drown in a sea of tears that are not just your own.

But stand?

Stand in the night, let gales of misfortune just whip around,

ride the very breaking of the earth

and eternity shall be granted

For he that stands shall be stood with.

S. D. Hallett 17.02.2015



S. D. Hallett
The Study

Former Head of the Liberal Arts Society at Winchester, currently walking Landsend to John o Groats