Thriving in new times: The sublime hub vision

Enite Young Odebala
The Sublime digest
Published in
5 min readAug 17, 2020

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”

- African Proverb

On Friday 14th August, 2020, we had a brainstorming session on the way forward for the sublime hub. In this write up I will share the sublime hub vision on how to help members thrive and highlight of

what we discussed at the meeting.

The sublime hub is an enterprise support community for entrepreneurs, freelancers, business owners, social innovators and professionals; we use our knowledge, skills and network to build the business of one another. It is registered as a cooperative. It is a cooperative set up to support the business of members.

The philosophy of the sublime hub is TEAM- Together each achieves more. Our members are encouraged to use their skills, knowledge and network to build the business of fellow members and in return, they will get similar support. The aim is to leverage our collective capacity for the benefit of each individual.

The recent pandemic has put many businesses under pressure; many are wondering how their business will survive in these new times. However, the world has not stopped consuming goods and services. We have a chance to build a stronger community of entrepreneurs doing business with one another and help each other grow so we can all grow.

It is an opportunity for us to build our businesses and to grow leveraging on the skills, talents and network of all our members.

A simple description of how the sublime hub works; if for example you’re a fashion designer and I am a business consultant and when I need a fashion, I come to you and when you need business consulting you come to me, this way everybody gets to earn, everybody gets value, one value to be continually revolving in the sublime hub

At this phase of the sublime hub, we will focus are supporting members through collective patronage to sustain them and to help them grow.

We want to pick certain members especially those who are producing consumables; these companies will be portfolio companies under the sublime hub that we can all come together as members to fund, to invest in these members through patronage. Please get in touch if you produce any consumables.

We want to emphasize that value at this point, we want members to keep doing business with one another, and we would because at this stage, we would invest in the business of members.

Say, for example, you produce pap and 50 members get to pay 5000 naira each for the pap In advance, that’s 250,000-naira worth of business for that person, which will help the business.

Here are the major highlights from the brainstorming session:

1. Paid membership

The sublime hub currently has a paid membership program and now the emphasis will be on that to ensure that everyone gets the most of the sublime experience and support. Membership benefits include training, mentorship, accountability, discounts on services, support for applications, and discount for use of office space.

The membership fee is as follows:

Monthly membership — 2,000 naira only

Quarterly membership (3 months) -5,000 naira only

Half-year (6 months) — 9,000 naira

Annual membership — 15,000 naira

Every member who pays for annual membership gets a voucher of 5,000 naira to spend on a member’s business.

Where a member refers a member who pays to one year membership, they also get 5,000 naira to spend on a member’s business.

Please note that the membership fee paid is for running the cooperative for the benefits of members and there will be regular reports on finances.

2. Adverts on our platforms will be posted by the sublime hub group admin; therefore all members in the group should submit their adverts for Wednesdays and Saturdays tot the admin. These adverts will also be pasted on our social media platforms.

However, to support graphics designers and avoid multiple posts amongst us members are to do their design with our in house graphics designer.

Paid members pay a 1,500 per design

Non Paid Members pay 2,000 naira per design

3. We will actively grow our YouTube channel and already have members who will help members create videos for the platform.

4. The time table for our activities is as follows:

Monday: Social media day — we will work to grow each other’s social media platforms by following and liking.

The Sublime hub digest is sent out every Monday.

Tuesday: Application day- A day to encourage members to apply for entrepreneurial opportunities available. This will be via physical or online meetings.

Also, a day for members to create videos on issues relating to business.

Wednesday: Market Day- where we post members’ business on all our platforms. This will also be a day to track referrals passed between members and closed businesses.

This will be our weekly meeting day. Our major meeting day for the month remains last Wednesday of the month.

Thursday: On this day we will share list of all opportunities available for Entrepreneurs. Also be a day to spotlight at least one member on all platforms.

Friday: Thank God it Friday — we will host hangouts for members to drink gist and chill.

Saturday: Market day / Training/ Accountability day

Sunday: Testimonials/ Star member of the week is announced

There will be YouTube videos, there will be interviews, how you have access to graphic design and we also have a library at the sublime hub

You have discounted rate to rent our space for your meetings or training, these are some of the benefits of the sublime hub and right now we will be focus on tracking our progress and giving incentives to members who come with the highest referrals, members who support the growth of sublime hub across the nation.

Beyond sublime hub just been an Abuja based business, we also have other members across the nation and we will replicate the same in all these places

And subsequently, we will be exploring across Africa, through trainings, meetings, and all of that

Well especially how we can take advantage of the African continental free trade agreement to explore business opportunities in other Africa countries.

5. The Sublime hub directory. We will share a survey to know the different categories of members and also get enough information for creating our digital business directory that will be available online and offline. The link for the directory will be sent shortly.

In the forgoing, I have share the vison of the sublime hub and our plan on how to achieve the vision. Join us to make it happen.

Thank you so much for reading; we welcome your ideas and support. We need more members to work with us to realize the vision; I invite you to join us as we build together.

Enite Young Odebala

For: The Sublime Hub

