When Is Someone Going to Tell Morgan Freeman to Give It Up and Get a Real Job?

Peter M Richardson
The Substandard
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2017

Let me say something publicly that we’ve all been thinking privately to ourselves: Morgan Freeman is a two-bit hack, with absolutely no business in Hollywood. Morgan Freeman hasn’t charisma, nor depth, nor charm. His presence is anything but commanding. His voice is unappealing. His relational chemistry is nonexistent. So why does the man persist, when his career is so clearly destined for mediocrity at best?

Don’t get me wrong, everybody should follow their dreams, Morgan Freeman included. But it’s also important to know when to cut your losses and quit. Listen, Mr. Freeman, you gave it the old college try, but it just hasn’t worked out. It’s time to find a real job and move on with your life, whatever small amount of time you have left.

What can I say? When a man has been at it for as many years as Morgan Freeman, and has only received Lifetime Achievement Awards from the American Film Institute, the American Society of Cinematographers, CinemaCon, the Film Society of Lincoln Center, the Golden Camera, the National Board of Review, the Walk of Fame; such Awards ceremonies as the AARP Movies for Grownups Awards, CinEuphoria, the Golden Globes, the Hollywood Film Awards, the Joseph Plateau Awards, the People’s Choice Awards; film festivals such as the Acapulco Black Film Festival, the Bombay International, the Denver International, the Dubai International, the Karlovy Vary International, the Palm Springs International, the Philadelphia Film Festival, the San Luis Obispo International, the Zurich Film Festival…shouldn’t that be a sign that it’s just not working out?

Image Courtesy of Urbanism

What if Morgan Freeman received another Academy Award? Another Golden Globe? Another Emmy? Would that make a difference at this point? No. Morgan Freeman is too far gone to make a serious career of acting.

I watched the nineties classic film The Shawshank Redemption, and was surprised to see Morgan Freeman’s name listed in the end credits. “Strange,” I thought, “I don’t remember seeing him in the film…” Turns out, he was the chief supporting character, but I didn’t even notice him onscreen. And this isn’t the first time that this has happened. That’s a pure, unadulterated lack of charisma.

A word to Mr. Freeman: get out with whatever dignity you still have. Take a job as a janitor, or a grocer, or a Julliard Masterclass: Distinguished Instructor of Theatre…anything you can get, really. I — we — just want you to be happy doing something you are actually cut out to do. Put down the script, the makeup, the Oscar Award for Best Performance, the multi-million dollar contracts…and make something of yourself for once.

