How I Got My Teaching Permit In A Month

Malachi Diaz
The Substitute
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2021


Our school systems need substitute teachers — educators across the country are burned out and school staff is struggling to find temporary teachers. Educators from Seattle to Savannah have retired in record numbers and their place is not being filled at the same rate.

“The California State Teachers Retirement System observed a 26% rise in retirement rates in the second half of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. A survey conducted by CalSTRS found that “62% of those surveyed retired earlier than planned.” Of those who retired early, the survey found 56% retired due to the burdens of performing their job during the pandemic.”

Sonoma Index-Tribune

I found out that I could be a substitute teacher without having to be on a career-teacher path. I decided that substituting was an experience that I would grow and learn from while earnestly contributing to a local and national insufficiency.

Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

The daily rate for a substitute teacher in some California school districts is $200 a day (sometimes only 4 hours a day — $50/hour!). Substitute teachers can enjoy a unique side-hustle with a flexible schedule that requires zero experience and even has a few other often-overlooked perks. For someone that wants to find out what being a teacher is like there’s a “loophole” in the education system that you can use and…



Malachi Diaz
The Substitute

Journalist, traveler, reader, disc golfer. More at PDGA #263950