Three Biggest Mistakes I See Brands Make On Instagram

The Success Club
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2017
  1. Be Mute

Brands sometimes get in this tricky place where they don’t know whose voice is their voice. When they are replying to comments are they pretending to be the founder of the company? The social media manager? The collective “we” of the employee’s?

I get it’s tricky on how to actually reply and have conversations with people but instead being paralyzed because you aren’t sure what is your real voice is or should be— just starting to talking to people and I promise it will come. Seriously don’t be mute. That means also replying to that person just leaves heart emoji’s 💕 on every photo because they deserve a thank you too.

2. Don’t say thank you

Seriously people, if you treated the social media world like the real world you be far better off. Someone use your hashtag? Someone repost your photo? Someone tag you? Someone do some small thing that might promote your brand? This isn’t rocket science — SAY THANK YOU. I 100% guarantee they will be more inclined to do it again if you show them a little love back for that love they gave you.

3. Not post enough

We live in a 24 hour news cycle right? We also live in a 24 entertainment cycle. Have you noticed big social media stars drip out content all day loooonnnggg….there is a reason for this. One, because it’s basically their job to keep you entertained and not working. Two, they drip out so much content because there is so much content out their already in the ether. To keep coming up at the top of the feed you constantly need new content.

Want to double your following? Double you content.

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You can find my fine jewelry company Gem Hunt HERE. I have a combined following on Instagram of 190,000 followers.



The Success Club

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