Write for The Successful Career Guide

Help yourself and others be the most successful version of themselves!

Andrew Austin
The Successful Career Guide


The Successful Career Guide is a comprehensive resource designed to help individuals achieve their career goals. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to make a change, this guide offers practical advice and strategies for success.

Image by Author

I created the Successful Career Guide in January as a way to organize all the great information about career success I come across.

When I was most recently preparing for job interviews, I scoured the internet and social media in many different places and found lots of great advice, which sparked my idea to try and curate all of it into one place to help others for the long-term.

We invite writers from all walks of life to share content with our audience.

Whether you are just starting your career journey or have been working for years, we want to hear from you.

We are looking for stories that are educational, honest and engaging.

If you have a story to share or wisdom that can be passed on, we want to hear it.

The Purpose

The objective is to help our audience reach their career goals.

