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The 5-Minute Challenge

The Sukha Company
The Sukha Company blog
3 min readNov 2, 2020


“Too much to do, but not enough time.”

A common problem many of us struggle with: the stress of managing work, personal projects, and a social life. We tend to procrastinate because we feel overwhelmed, which only adds to the number of tasks we have to accomplish.

How can you start doing instead of thinking about doing?

We recommend trying the 5 Minute Challenge to help you get into Flow sooner and through your Tasks quicker.

Every evening, take a few minutes to create your Sukha Task Playlist for the next day. Besides bringing resolution to your workday, it will help you start efficiently the following morning.

The goal of the 5 Minute Challenge is to start a Task on your Task Playlist within 5 minutes of opening your computer.

Pick a Task that will help you complete the rest of your Tasks for that day, click Play, and just go.

Tips to Keep in Mind

Just start

We can spend a lot of time lamenting on what needs to be done and how much is left to do. If you can just start, the Tasks are quickly checked off your Task Playlist.

Creating your Task Playlist every night takes the guesswork associated with what to do out of the picture and allows you to start accomplishing your Tasks.

Realize that you can’t accomplish everything

Sometimes you may overestimate the amount of work you can get done. The most you can ask for is to productively Flow through your Tasks. It’s okay if you can’t always do this — take time to recollect and try again!

Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

Begin your day with a foundational Task

While it may feel productive to knock off a lot of smaller Tasks early in the day, try starting your morning with a larger Task, such as answering an important email or finishing your contribution to a larger project.

Smaller Tasks will be handled; the key is to not procrastinate on the larger Task. Starting your day by completing a foundational Task helps you accomplish more as the day goes on. Small victories have a big effect.

Handle one Task at a time

Once you click play, focus only on that Task. The goal is to get into a Flow State. The Sukha helps you accomplish that by nudging you to get on track when you open distracting websites and apps (as well as with our original Focus music and curated Spotify playlists).

Take breaks

Remember to take breaks in between Tasks. Being productive doesn’t require you to keep chugging along for hours on end. In fact, regular stretching, standing, and breathing breaks help you be more productive when you get back to tackling your Task Playlist.

The Sukha Company is the #1 online coworking space. Come work with us and thousands of others and find your Flow State in a supportive community with AI Coaches, Flow Music, pomodoro timers and more.

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The Sukha Company
The Sukha Company blog

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