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Why Are You Procrastinating?

The Sukha Company
The Sukha Company blog
2 min readNov 13, 2020


We often pass time by doing the most mundane tasks just to avoid the important ones. Despite multiple deadlines creeping up, we waste time by randomly texting friends or scrolling endlessly on social media when we should face the Tasks before us.

We know these avoidance techniques only feed our discontent.

Why then do we procrastinate?

Interestingly, research has revealed that procrastination is not often due to laziness. In most cases, we procrastinate because we’re afraid.

What exactly are we afraid of?


Time to Regulate

Behavioral scientists have shown that procrastination is not just a time-management problem; it’s an emotional regulation problem.

Procrastination provides us momentary relief and shields us from confronting possible failure and mental discomfort.

In order to be productive, you must find a way to break this irrational cycle. You’ve collected a lifetime of examples: deadlines always arrive and work always needs to get done.

Your real choice is how much you let that stress affect you.

You develop a new habit every time you put on your headphones, choose a Task, and hit play. A habit that decreases your stress and allows you to find Flow. A habit that, if continued, shows the world—and more importantly, yourself—that you’re not afraid of failure.—Elsa Lee

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The Sukha Company
The Sukha Company blog

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