The Summit | Motivation

3 Must Ingredients To Make Consistency a Habit

Make efforts to be consistent (Day:-1)

Sahil Patel
The Summit


Greetings authors,

Today’s the starting of the new theme “Consistency”. I hope you enjoyed the previous two themes “Procrastination” and “Time Management”.

Here, you will find the previous overview of themes.

This week, we are going to discuss the concept of “Consistency”. Success comes with consistency. Without consistency, it seems impossible to be succeeded in anything.

We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don't get discouraged and give up. Remember it is all about consistency.

-Khloe Kardashian

If you are an athlete, you are not going to win a gold medal by practicing one day. You have to go on the ground every day and practice your game that’s what it takes to be successful. If you are a writer, you are not going to write a masterpiece one day, you have to practice writing regularly to create a masterpiece one day. It’s all about being consistent with your work.

Here are the three important ingredients you need to make consistency a habit.

1. Willpower

The simple definition of willpower is the ability to control one’s actions and emotions. In nutshell, you need to have control over yourself.

Willpower helps you in every area of life. Whether you want to save money, or not eat junk food, you need willpower. You have to gain control over your mind.

“Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear”.

-Dan Millman

Having strong willpower helps you to gain success in life. Some tips to develop willpower.

  • Always plan ahead
  • Stick to small goals
  • Learn to handle pressure
  • Meditate
  • Improve mental toughness
  • After finishing the task, always treat yourself

2. Mindset

Mindset is a set belief that you set for yourself. Mindset plays an important role in your life while coping with difficult situations.

There are mainly two types of Mindset.

  1. Fixed mindset
  2. Growth mindset

For example, you are born with some of the intelligence which is a fixed mindset. You can’t change anything about it.

On the other side no matter who you are, you can always improve your abilities and personality.

Set a mindset of consistency. You have to be consistent.

Tips to create a positive mindset:

  • Positive self-talk
  • Believe in yourself
  • Don’t focus on negative thoughts, keep them aside
  • Give yourself credit
  • Don’t make the previous mistakes
  • Never afraid to take risks
  • Do challenging things every day
  • Change your perspective
  • Build mental toughness
  • Control your emotions
  • Meditate

3. Disclipne

The Oxford definition of Discipline is the practice of training your mind and body so that you control your actions and obey rules; a way of doing this.

Discipline is a must in life. Discipline helps you to improve your attitude and concentration.

“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. It may not be difficult to store up in the mind a vast quantity of facts within a comparatively short time, but the ability to form judgments requires the severe discipline of hard work and the tempering heat of experience and maturity”.

-Calvin Coolidge

Tips to develop discipline:

  • Always remember why you started
  • Remove temptation/distractions
  • Change your bad habits
  • Allow yourself to fail
  • Forgive yourself and move on
  • Challenge yourself every day
  • Schedule your day
  • Don’t waste your time

Today’s prompt is,

It’s time to improve your willpower, mindset, and discipline. Are you consistent in your life? Do you struggle to be consistent with your task? Share your stories about consistency at the summit.

I would like to invite Hamsalekha Giulietta Passarelli Dan J Arbab Z. Erica J Ilana Lydia to share their views and stories.

I would like to end this piece with some of the great benefits of consistency in life.

  • Improve your performance
  • Makes you efficient and consistent
  • You can find out your strengths and weaknesses
  • Makes you disciplined in life
  • Increase your motivation
  • The major benefit of it is you become successful in any field.

For more tips and updates about consistency, stay tuned.

Always grateful for your support.


Here, are more detail about how to join this challenge and this community.



Sahil Patel
The Summit

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.