The Summit | Inspiration

4 Easy Ways to Maintain Consistency

Make efforts to be consistent (Day:-2)

Sahil Patel
The Summit



Welcome you all to the second prompt of the theme “Consistency”.

If you have missed yesterday's prompt, here you can read it.

“It’s not all about talent. It’s about dependability, consistency, and being able to improve. If you work hard and you’re coachable, and you understand what you need to do, you can improve.”

-Bill Belichick

Many people think that they can only be successful if they a talent. However, that’s not true. You can be master of anything that you want to do just by being consistent.

“Practice makes perfect."

-Benjamin Franklin

It’s just that you have to be consistent with practice. Sometimes, it’s easy to start working or practicing. However, it’s really hard to maintain consistency.

Maintaining consistency is another hard task in itself.

Here, are some of the ways to maintain consistency.

1. It’s okay to make mistakes

When I started to be consistent, I am fully motivated in the initial days, and after some time, it was hard to maintain the daily schedule.

I made a lot of mistakes and I know that when I made mistakes, I was too harsh on myself. Never do the same as I. It’s okay to make mistakes. They are natural.

“Of course I make mistakes. I’m human. If I didn’t make mistakes, I’d never learn. You can only go forward by making mistakes.”

-Alexander McQueen

It’s okay to make mistakes when you just have started. However, remember not to make the same mistakes again and again.

2. Take some time off

Taking a break is important. Consistency doesn’t mean working 24×7. Give yourself some time off and do what you like to do.

You need to be relaxed your mind and body.

"Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.”

- Douglas Pagels

3. Place reminders around your home, workspace, and belongings

Take a sticky note, and write all the important things, and stick it to your workplace.

For example, if you want to finish some work meetings then put a sticky note on your laptop so whenever you take your laptop, it will remind you to finish that task. You can also write motivational quotes on notes and stick them onto your television and mobile phones, so whenever you will be distracted and touch them, you will read that quote and it helps you to start working.

I write my goals on a piece of paper and put them into my wallet, desk drawer, or purse to constantly remind my mind.

It’s not just helping in being consistent but it can help in so many other things also. If you are managing your home, then it’s beneficial for you also. For example, if you want to pay your electricity bills and laundry bills, make reminders of them and put them in a visible area. If you are a student, make small notes of I concepts and stick them on your desk.

4. Give yourself some time to handle change

If you are a beginner and just started to be consistent with your daily goals, then give yourself some time to change your bad habits.

You are not going to be famous or consistent in just one day, it takes a time to happen. So, don’t pressurize yourself. Do as per your limits and enjoy the process.

Today’s prompt is,

Do you struggle to maintain consistency? If yes, are there any special things you do to maintain your consistency? Share your experience and tips at The Summit.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

-Harriet Tubman

Be passionate about what you do. Be hungry for success and one-day success will be yours.

I would like to invite Hamsalekha Colleen Millstead Giulietta Passarelli Arbab Z. Erica J Ilana Lydia to share their views.

Always grateful for your support.


Here, are more detail about how to join this challenge and this community.



Sahil Patel
The Summit

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.