4 Reasons Why I Love Money, And I Always Will

Safety first

Lucia Landini
The Summit


woman holding coins with a note: make a change
Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash

I like money.

I need money to have a house, food, and to pay the bills. Yet, I could cover my basic needs with less money than what I make, and I know I could survive pretty well. I am a simple person and I have limited needs.

Yet, I want more.

Why is that? These are the main reasons why I find money is important in my life.

1.Fear and safety. I am afraid of not being able to face difficult situations when they arise, and the idea of having money to support myself makes me feel more comfortable. It makes me feel in control. For example, you need money to get an urgent private visit to a doctor, or surgery, and it can save your life. You need money if they steal your car, and you need a new one — it happened to me twice.

Money makes me feel safe. It’s like a parachute.

2.It gives value to my work. I have been underpaid for some time in my life, and I know how frustrating it is and how worried you can become, when you work hard and it’s never enough. Making less money than you deserve has effects even on your self-esteem. It’s as if someone told you that your value is lower than you think.

I know that asking for a good pay is very difficult for a lot of people, including…



Lucia Landini
The Summit

I write about personal growth and relationships. I love reading and sharing happiness.