5 Common Causes of Procrastination

It’s Time To Beat Procrastination Day:- 1

Sahil Patel
The Summit


Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Today’s the first post of the insane month's motivation challange. This contest is going to last for four weeks.

There are four themes for four weeks.

  1. Procrastination
  2. Time Management
  3. Consistency/Discipline
  4. Getting out of your comfort zone

The one theme will last for 7 days. In these 7 days, I will publish prompts regarding the same theme. It will help you to know yourself better and at the same time, you can be able to write more.

The goal of this challenge is to make you feel empowered and inspire. As per the theme, today’s topic is “Procrastination”. For the first week, our tagline and goal are, “It’s Time To Beat The Procrastination”.

In the process of achieving our dreams, the most challenging thing to overcome is “Procrastination”.

“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

-Napoleon Hill

As per the Oxford definition, Procrastination means the act of putting off doing something that you should do till another day or time because you do not want to do it.

In simple words, you just keep postponing the work that you should do today because of so many reasons.

If you are not getting success, procrastination can be a thing that is stopping you from achieving what you want.

To overcome procrastination, you first have to identify it. Without knowing the problem, it’s impossible to solve the problem.

Here are some of the common signs of a person who procrastinates.

  • You always miss the deadlines
  • You can get distracted easily
  • You can not able to fulfill your daily goals
  • You are always a late comer
  • You always make excuses when it comes to work
  • You take too much time to make small decisions
  • You don’t like to do hard tasks
  • You always say, “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

If your answer is yes, then it’s time to beat your procrastination.

Before you start your journey to beat your Procrastination, it’s important to know the “Why”?

Why do you procrastinate?

Here are some of the common reasons why people procrastinate?

  1. Fear Of Failure/Criticism

I think “Fear of failure” is like a monster in our life. We tend to avoid so many things because of this fear.

It’s a fear that stops you from doing what you like. No one likes to defeat, but it doesn’t mean we should stop playing.

"Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure."

-George Edward Woodberry

Life is like a game, no matter how many times you lose the match you have to wake up and try again. When you try, there is a chance of winning. However, when you stop trying there is a 100 guaranty that you will not succeed.

It’s better to keep moving and working rather than staying at the same place.

2. Don’t have a clear path/Directions

Sometimes, we want to achieve success, and to achieve it we are willing to do hard work. But, we don’t know from where to start.

To reach a destination, you need to have a path. Just like that to achieve goals, you need a path/directions.

Until you don’t know where you want to go, how will you find the way to reach there.

It’s important to have a clear kindest and goals in your mind to achieve success. Sometimes, you procrastinate just because you don’t know what to do or where to start.

Therefore, it’s important to think about your goals. Once, you know what you want it’s time to make your path to achieving what you want.

3. Lack of motivation

No one is born with motivation. Motivation works like fuel. You have to fuel yourself with motivation every day to work non-stop.

Motivation is an inevitable life skill. You have to learn it to change your life.

Motivation makes you confident and powerful, it will clarify your goals.

There are mainly two types of motivation.

  1. Extrinsic Motivation

It’s a kind of motivation in which an individual is motivated by external rewards and desires.

2. Intrinsic Motivation

This is a type of motivation in which a person is motivated by his/her internal desires. In simple words, when you plan a goal for yourself, to make yourself better.

4. Too many distractions

In this technological era, we are surrounded by many distractions. From TikTok to YouTube shorts, our life has so many distractions.

Many times, we procrastinate because we lose our motivation and keep getting distracted by those distractions.

Notifications of different apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter makes is distracted in minutes.

5. Unstable mental health

Sometimes, mental illness can cause you to procrastinate.

If you have depression, anxiety, or ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactive disorder), there are more chances of being procrastinated. Even if you are stressed, you might procrastinate because it is closely related to your mood.

After reading about these common reasons why we Procrastinate?

Today’s is Prompt is,

Write down all the reasons why are you Procrastinating?

It’s important to know you're why before we reach any conclusion.

This is the first day prompt of the 7-day prompt theme of “Procrastination”.

Let’s beat Procrastination together.

I would like to invite Sorina Raluca Băbău Shameem Anwar Colleen Millstead Lucia Landini Hamsalekha Arbab Z. Penelope Mayfield Erica J Ilana Lydia Libby Shively McAvoy to share their views.



Sahil Patel
The Summit

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.