The Summit | Inspiration

5 Reasons Why Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone is Necessary

It’s time to be uncomfortable to reach your dreams(Day:-1)

Sahil Patel
The Summit
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2021


Greetings author,

Today’s the first day of the new theme “Getting out of comfort zone”.

If you wonder what is comfortable zone then the simple definition by Oxford is comfort zone is a settled method of working that requires little effort and yields only barely acceptable results. A zone in which you feel safe or at ease.

What’s the meaning of staying in your comfort zone?

You only do the things and work that is required to do. You don’t try any new things to change your life and yourself. You are too comfortable with your work and your space.

To be successful, you have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to work hard and make yourself uncomfortable to be successful.

5 Reasons why it’s important to get out of your comfort zone

Challenges make you strong

When you get out of your comfort zone, you have to face challenges. Life is so boring without challenges. However, challenges are hard to face and that’s the reason…



Sahil Patel
The Summit

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