A Best Self

Giulietta Passarelli
The Summit
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2022


The Summit’s weekly prompt — best version of ourselves

Photo by Knut Robinson on Unsplash

My best self would be like a surfer riding the waves, staying afloat, being happy with all I do, not doubt myself, taking a little more time to figure things out. I believe our purpose is to be happy. And in that purpose, we must help others when we can and not hurt them.

“Happiness is the highest form of health.” Dalai Lama

We all need to be happy and productive and have purpose. Our choices and actions can generate both happiness and health. Are we going with the flow in life or against it? Are we living our life and dreams or those of others?

We might stop and wonder, how did I get here? It’s really not so puzzling when we look at our choices. We might feel regret and wish we had done things differently, but once we accept that it was our choice, there’s less friction in our heads of wondering how and why. Again, when we stop to look, we know why, and how becomes less worrisome. Life is a learning process. In order to gain wisdom, we must have experiences and become knowledgeable. Our choices take us there.

Best would be healthy and happy in mind, body, heart, and soul. Keeping my peace. Writing each day and creating as many books as possible where I’m inspired. We need courage to be better and best, to make good choices, and…



Giulietta Passarelli
The Summit

Author/Poet/Writer of middle gr. novels, short stories, poems, for adults, YA, the ageless: https://www.gpassarelli.com; updates website every 1st of the month.