A book That Will Awaken the Soul of a Woman.

Based on The Summit Book Challenge 2021/22

The Summit
5 min readJan 15, 2022


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Last year, when I was diagnosed with a fibroid tumour, I was in despair and I didn't know what to do next. Every month, I experienced severe secondary dysmenorrhea and I felt that my entire life was blank as I couldn't perform my task efficiently and I became depressed.

Yet, I believe the universe speaks to us almost every second in my life. I always watch inspirational videos on Youtube and unexpectedly, I found a recommended video that changed my perspective of my life and also built a good friendship with a great soul.

Courtesy: YouTube

This video is a short documentary on a woman who was born with uterus didelphys and suffer from other gynaecological disorders where she took an act of great courage to break a taboo among the women community. After several years of suffering from her health condition, she decided to come out and become the voice of the voiceless. Now, she is the founder of Speciallady Awareness and a woman reproductive health advocate.

I was amazed by her courage and I tried to contact her through Linkedin. I just tried my luck and sent her a personal message and guess what, she is such a wonderful soul, she replied within an hour after the message was sent. We met in a conference call the next day and she gave me lots of moral support to go through this endeavour. She encouraged me to inspire other women through writings and public speaking if I am ready to reveal who I really am.

After a few months, she published her first book, The Unspoken Identity where she wrote her story of struggles and sufferings she went through before becoming a founder of a great campaign called Speciallady Awareness. This campaign focuses on educating women and young girls on gynaecological conditions and menstrual hygiene in Ghana, the UK, and many more.

Picture by author

Born in Ghana, travelled to France and the UK as a teenager, despite normal childhood experiences, she always questioned her identity as she suffered from some health issues since her childhood. Once she entered the adult phase of her life, she faced more struggles where the doctors told her that she had uterine fibroid where she couldn't conceive a baby. Yet, she still delivered a beautiful baby girl called Rashley. Though she was born premature, Elizabeth took the courage to take care of her 24/7 by sacrificing her career.

Then, she was diagnosed with uterus didelphys where she was told that she was born with a double cervix and womb. She went through multiple surgeries. Furthermore, she faced lots of complications due to the surgeries and also experienced a miscarriage. But, what hurts the most was the stress that she encountered due to society’s taboo.

Nevertheless, she took a brave step. She knew her voice can enlighten many women’s souls. She started to write blogs and organize campaigns through social media and arrange donations for schools and medical centres in Ghana. And now her voice can be heard through her book.

But, how did this book change my perspective towards life?

#1 When illness hits you, don't let it hits your mind. Illness is just for your body, not for the mind and soul.

Yes, she saw her health condition as a purpose to change others life. Though she went through depression and anxiety attacks, she didn’t give up. She rose and fought back. And now, she realized it was a blessing in disguise. Yes, for me too. Without this diagnose, I would not question my purpose too. So, illness is just for our body, not for our mind and soul.

#2 Prayers are a great source of healing.

Our every prayer is being heard, no matter what are our religions and spiritualities. The only truth is the faith that we have upon the Omnipresence. Whenever she nearly gave up on her life, she prayed and surrendered to God. For me, I believe there is an energy or a power that choreographs this universe. It will not let any of us down.

#3 Be brave to speak out and never give up

Identity is just a mask that we wear, we can change them anytime but need to change them for the better. We need to be brave to voice out our experiences and journey that we went through so that we can enlighten others at the same time. There are some people who may act with disgusting behaviour but ignoring them is the best that we can do. Don’t give up our good act by responding to their ill behaviour. Our true purpose surely will be gifted with blessings and smiles from good souls.

Before I end my book challenge today, I wish to add an inspiring quote from her book.

Many challenges and setbacks we face in life always serves as a motivational tool for us to become the best version of ourselves. Everything that happens to us, happens for a good or bad reason, so we must learn to focus on the good side of each situation and bounce back stronger and wiser. Because, no one can predict what the future holds but as long as we are mentally strong, positive and with faith, we can overcome everything that is thrown at us. ~ pg 9, The Unspoken Identity by Elizabeth Amoaa

Thank you for reading!

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