The Summit | Inspiration

A Quick Overview of Theme Consistency and a Bonus Tip

Make efforts to be consistent (Day:-7)

Sahil Patel
The Summit


Photo by Marc Najera on Unsplash


Welcome you all to the last day post of the theme “Consistency”.

“The more work you put in, and the more you constantly and consistently give good performances against good opponents and constantly exceed people’s expectations, the more you really endear yourself to the crowd. That’s how your career takes off - it’s just consistency and time.”

-Sami Zayn

This week, I have shared some of the tips on how to be consistent in life. Consistency is the key to living your life successfully. It’s a mush habit to have in life.

This post is a quick overview of the six prompts on consistency theme.

In the first-day prompt, I shared some of the ingredients you need in your life to be consistent. I asked the writers to share their points of view on consistency in their lives.

Once, you develop to be consistent it’s hard to maintain it for a longer period. It’s okay to have some cheat day, but you don’t make it a habit and break your consistency. I asked my fellow writers to share their ways on how they manage their consistency to inspire others.

In the third day post, I shared one special thing that we all need in life to be consistent.

Some people struggle with consistency in their lives. Everyone has different reasons. In the fourth day prompt, I have shared some of the common reasons why people struggle with consistency and asked writers to write why they struggle to be consistent.

Without consistency life is meaningless. In this fifth-day post, I shared some of the powerful reasons why consistency is a must habit in life.

The one thing that influences writers a lot is “Positivity”. Positivity makes life easier. When you are filled with positivity, it will be easy for you to be consistent.

Bonus Tip

We human beings are more interested in the results rather than the process. If you are working on something consistently, don’t focus on the results. Don’t work because you want to get results. Work on the process and enjoy it thoroughly. Take one day, finish your task and enjoy your day. Don’t pressurize yourself to be consistent. Lighten your mind and body and do your work.

Don’t be harsh on yourself. Consistency is a practice that you have to do regularly to make a habit.

“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”

-Maya Angelou

Be courageous enough to practice consistency.

I would like to invite some of the writers who were supporting “The Summit” pub to share their views. Hamsalekha Arbab Z. Sorina Raluca Băbău Libby Shively McAvoy Art Bram Neera Handa Dr. Giulietta Passarelli Lucia Landini Shameem Anwar Anastasia Soul Gypsy Erica J Ilana Lydia

Have you enjoyed reading these motivational posts? Did it help you? I am always looking for your feedback because you all are my true readers. I believe no one makes you a better writer than your reader. Your constant support helps me to improve.

In addition to this, the last theme is all about “Get out of your comfort zone”. I hope you would like to read articles on this theme.

Always grateful for your support.


Here, are more detail about how to join this challenge and this community.



Sahil Patel
The Summit

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.