The Summit | Inspiration

A Quick Overview of Time Management Theme and a Bonus Tip

Today’s the time to change your tomorrow (Day:- 7)

Sahil Patel
The Summit


Greetings author,

Welcome you all to the last-day prompt of the theme “Time Management”.

“Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change”.

-Thomas Hardy

Thanks for being with me in the journey of beating Time Management. This is the post about a quick review of 6 day prompts.

The first-day prompt was all about finding where are you spending your time every day?

The second prompt will let you know the importance of making a to-do list and how you can make your own.

The third prompt will help you to find your golden hours of the day.

The fourth prompt will introduce you to some of the important time management tools that will help you to manage your time.

The fifth prompt will let you understand the importance of a break while managing your time. You will find some tips on how to make your breaks productive.

The sixth prompt is about “Multitasking”. Everyone has a different view on Multitasking. I have shared my experience and opinions.

In addition, to manage your time you have to first set your mindset. Growth comes with a mindset. If you want to change anything first you have to change your mindset.

"My dad encouraged us to fail. Growing up, he would ask us what we failed at that week. If we didn't have something, he would be disappointed. It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying. Don't be afraid to fail."

-- Sara Blakely

Make yourself and your mind ready to manage your time. Don’t be afraid to fail. You might struggle for one month or more, once your mind and body will be used to it. It will be easy for you to manage your time.

Start from today and see the difference. Allow yourself to fail.

Bonus Tip:- Whenever you manage your time, don’t forget to put a time limit on tasks. Don’t just write a to-do list. Write a time limit in front of every task. Identify which task needs more time and which needs less. If you start working on your goals without setting a time limit, you may push your tasks for later in a day and you will not even recognize when the day will end and you will be unable to finish your task.

Prioritize your goals and give them a time limit. When you put a time limit, your mind will get the clarity that you have to finish your task within this time.

I know every day is not the same day. Sometimes, it happens that you will not be able to do the task within that time limit. Then I would suggest that start doing another task of days, and finish your schedule. Once, you will finish all your tasks then allot some time to that unfinished task from your “Me-time”, so that your entire schedule will not break.

For example, I won’t be able to wake up at 5:00 because of the late-night study, so I miss my workout. However, I manage to do it in the evening after finishing my all tasks. You will be focused and will be able to stick to your goals.

I would like to close the theme “Time Management” by sitting my one of my favorite quotes that I stuck to my study desk and it will always motivate me.

“Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever”.

-Samuel Smiles

Everything can be replaced but time will not be replaced by anything. Once, it’s gone, it’s gone forever.

Therefore, it’s important to value your time. So, go and spend your time on the goals you want to achieve because you never know when will your life end.

Best of luck

I hope you enjoyed this piece and the theme.

Always grateful for your support.


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Sahil Patel
The Summit

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.