The Summit | Book Challenge

Be Happy, The Universe Always Has A Plan For You.

Based on the 2021/22 Book Challenge in The Summit Publication

The Summit


Picture by author

If someone told me last year that I would be a cat owner this year, I would laugh hysterically and would regard their words as an utter joke. Why? I was not a fan of a cat. Yet, this year, I celebrated my new year with my cat, Oreo and it is my best year ever after two years of turmoil and difficulties in my life. You can see in the picture above how she consoled me by showing the book and telling silently to me, “Don’t worry, sis. The universe always has a plan for you and I am one of the universe’s plans.”

You might hate something a few days ago, and you may start to love it tomorrow. One of my lecturers once told me a few years back that he wouldn't get married as he didn’t want to waste his money. One day, I invited him for Diwali lunch and he asked if he could bring his wife together and I asked with shock when he got married. When I met his wife, she was such a wonderful soul and I am really sure that they are more than an ordinary couple as they are best friends too. See how the universe works wonderfully for every one of us.

Still, how to allow the universe to create a wonderful plan for us?

The universe is a wonderful architect when comes to building a plan for every soul in this world. No one will be abandoned. Yet, you must allow it to experience the magnificent miracle!

When I was fearful of the uncertainty that happened (and happens till now), this book (as shown in the picture) helped me a lot. When you start to let go of some of your burdens from your mind, you will start to see clearly the plan of the universe. But, how?

The Universe Always Has A Plan by Matt Kahn explains clearly through his 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go to allow the universe to do wonders in your life. I will explain them briefly.

#1 You’ve Done Nothing Wrong

Yes, everything in this world is not an accident. You are not doing anything wrong even though you thought that you did great unforgivable mistakes. Every time when you make mistake, you learn. Like an infant who falls many times before she starts to walk and run with confidence, we are infants too in this universe. So, if we let go of regret, one of the heavy noises in our head will start to drop as well.

…the Universe doesn't require you to spin your wheels trying to apologize for a past that played out exactly as it was meant to be. This is the incredible evidence of a spiritual journey every human being has been navigating since the moment they were born. ~ pg 5, The Universe Always Has A Plan by Matt Kahn

#2 Anyone Who Blames You Isn’t Happy

If someone blames you for no reason, it means they are unhappy. They feel insecure and they just express their insecurity in the form of blame. Instead of taking their words literally, forgive them with a brief smile or silence. I wrote about it a few months ago and here is the link to know more about how to forgive someone.

#3 Hardships Can Be Fast-Tracked Through Thankfulness

Most of the time, we forget to thank for the hardship we faced before because, without those hardships, we won’t be strong now. So, be grateful for the difficulties you faced before.

#4 Feeling Better Helps Everyone Heal

When you are happy or in peace, share your wonderful emotions with others as well. You can share through smiles, words, gestures and even a small help. While doing this, everyone including you will heal.

And there are another six more golden rules that you can implement in your life.

#5 Well-Being Is a Signal that You Are Ready to Embody Your Potential

#6 The Universe Always Has a Plan (if you are willing to trust it)

#7 Everything Changes, But It Can Only Change You for the Better

#8 In Order to Be Emotionally Free, It’s Okay to Dislike

#9 Projecting Anger Drains You of Anger

#10 Love is Your Liberator

When you let go of your anger, guilt, self-blame, grudge, and other mind created blockages, you will see how wonderfully we are connected with the universe. So, let go of everything. Trust me, the universe has a plan for you.

I am grateful to Matt Kahn for his wonderful book where I learnt that we are not alone in this universe. We are being watched. I am not sure what it is. We can name it anything, God, Universe, Force, Consciousness and the list goes on. Yet, we have to trust it. There’s a reason for us to be here today. We are here to evolve. We are here to learn. We are here to be in peace and joy. We are here to embrace the beauty of the universe. We are here to welcome love. We are here to explore and dive into the unknown. We don't have to be fearful of the unknown. The unknown is just a possibility of something wonderful.

Your desire for what you want is remembering what’s already been created. Throughout the dimension of time, you are preparing to receive at a higher level by cultivating the maturity and worthiness to actually have what you want, without slowing or stalling the trajectory of your ever-growing expansion. If you got what you wanted at the wrong time, it would stunt your growth by distracting you with shiny new objects. The Universe has to give what you want, but in a way that complements and continues your rate of expansion. This is why everything happens over a period of time. If you could snap your fingers and heal right now, it would indicate that there was never a greater purpose for having something to heal. ~pg 83, The Universe Always Has A Plan by Matt Kahn

Picture by author

See how Oreo reminds me over and over again that the universe always has a plan for me by flipping the page of the book. Thanks, Oreo. She is a part of Universe’s plan too. The universe listens to us every single second. It keeps a gift for us if we are prepared to receive it. My Oreo is a gift from the universe too!

Thank you for reading!

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For those who wish to join me for the 2021/22 book challenge, here is the guideline. Let us share wisdom together.

