The Summit | Motivation | Inspiration

Don’t Forget to Add This Ingredient To Make Your Lifestyle Happy And Healthy

Third-week Prompt of The Summit

Sahil Patel
The Summit


Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash

Greetings authors,

Welcome you all to the third-week prompt of The Summit.

To lead a happy and healthy life, we have to maintain a good lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can prevent many chronic diseases. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body has significance in our life.

As we all know, health is wealth, we should be more careful about our health because we can’t buy or rent good health, we have to maintain it. To lead a healthy lifestyle, we have to add some healthy habits to our lifestyles such as yoga, exercise, a balanced diet, and meditation. It helps your body to stay fit and healthy.

“Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – World Health Organization, 1948

On the other side, a healthy lifestyle isn’t enough. We do need to lead a happy lifestyle. If happiness isn’t part of your lifestyle, then your life becomes uninteresting and depressing.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

We all have listened from the others, that be happy. Happiness is an important ingredient in life. However, happiness and sadness both are temporary human emotions.

No matter how much money you have earned or how successful you are, you can’t be happy all the time. Just like that no matter how bad the situations are, we can’t be sad at all times. Happiness and sadness can come and go. Nothing stays forever in life.

So, you may wonder what you need to live a happy lifestyle. There is one thing that can help you to live a balanced life that is, “inner peace”.

As per Wikipedia, the simple definition of inner peace is a deliberate state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors such as the burden arising from pretending to be someone.

Inner peace calms your mind and lets you see the path. Inner peace helps you to stop overthinking. Being always peaceful helps in leading a balanced lifestyle.

“If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.”

—Lao Tzu

One of the best things about inner peace is that it lets you live in the present.

So, the question is how do you find your inner peace?

“When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.”

— Tecumseh

I have been practicing gratitude for the last couple of months and I have seen an immense amount of change in myself. I don’t have to make an extra effort to be happy and positive.

It improved my sleep quality. It does not just improve your physical health, but it also improves your emotional and psychological health as well.

For me, gratitude is a lifestyle.

If there is no gratitude in your lifestyle, then I have to say that you should start practicing it. Once you do this, you don’t need an occasion to be happy. You can feel the happiness within yourself. It is the key to peace of mind.

We all have so many things in life, that many people don’t have. Start counting your blessings every day and see the magic by yourself. When you start making gratitude the way of life, it will boost your sense of optimism and enthusiasm.

This week’s prompt is,

Are you a grateful person? Do you have the ingredient of gratitude in your life? Share the story about how gratefulness and how gratitude changed your soul?

I would like to invite all the writers of “The Summit” to respond to the prompt.

Sorina Raluca Băbău Arbab Z. Libby Shively McAvoy Lucia Landini Pene Hodge Erica J Dr. Preeti Singh Shameem Anwar Kimberly Hampton Nilsson Colleen Millstead Sharing Words Neera Handa Dr. Giulietta Passarelli Orla K. Anastasia Soul Gypsy Brittney A Baron Dan J Trista Signe Ainsworth Nicole Sponsel Josh Balerite Acol Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles Christina Art Bram Monoreena Acharjee Majum Suma Narayan Mulan Ravyne Hawke Pam Winter K.M. Fullerton Yana Bostongirl Ilana Lydia Ricardo Böck Dharan.M Ali Tara Desai PhD Elvie Lins❤️ Kunaal b Lily Lin Tavian Jean-Pierre VRITANT Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles Richard Armstrong Kelly Aluna Martone

I hope you will enjoy this week’s prompt.

I hope you will enjoy this week’s prompt.

My heartiest gratitude to all of you for sharing your precious stories at The Summit.

Looking forward to publishing more of your stories.

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Sahil Patel
The Summit

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.