How Stillness Becomes a Key in Our Life

Based on #2021/22 Book Challenge in The Summit Publication

The Summit
4 min readDec 18, 2021


In today’s world, we are surrounded by the sounds and conversations of our neighbours, work environment, social media, and the list goes on and on. But, first of all, our thoughts become our greatest enemies as they don’t stop chattering at all. These thoughts become our enemies as they are the ones who stop us from progressing. Most of the time, when we plan to move forward, the noises in our heads criticise and judge us, pulling us backwards. “You will fail!”, “You can’t do that!”, “Are you crazy?” are just a few of the dialogues that run through our heads most of the time.

All of these voices are analogous to arrows that keep on aiming at us and shooting at us non-stop without mercy. So, what can we do to stop these voices from degrading us? Here, the stillness comes as a comrade to save us from the arrow of noises. The stillness doesn't only calm our mind, but it serves lots of unexpected purposes in our life where they are the miracles of our life.

There is a book that taught me the art of stillness. There are lots of surprising facts that this book contains and you will get shocked when you get to know:

How can a stillness bring the greatest one-game performance in baseball?

Where Shawn Green emptied his mind when hitting a ball during a baseball match against the Brewers on 23rd May 2003.

How limiting your inputs in your mind can sculpt you into a great leader?

Where Napoleon often delayed responding to the mail unless they are urgent. It’s because it is good to filter unimportant inputs in our mind to make our mind clearer so that we can think better.

How when one becomes present can help others to experience stillness too?

Where Marina Abramovic’s performance at MoMA in New York City for The Artist is Present makes many viewers be in the present moment too. Watch her video here.

Video courtesy: YouTube

This book is called Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday.

Yes, stillness can do miracles. But, how to be still? There are many ways to inculcate stillness in our daily life such as practising mindfulness, implementing minimalism, limiting ourselves from checking social media frequently, etc.

When we practise stillness, miracles happen in life. It is because when the voices in our heads become weaker and weaker, we can listen to our intuition clearer.

Ryan holiday deliberately explained the importance of stillness in his book through lots of examples from leaders, athletes, philosophers and also from religious texts.

One of the greatest examples was John F. Kennedy’s stillness practice to save a country from war.

How practicing stillness could save a war?

In the year 1962, John F. Kennedy addressed the Cuban Missile Crisis with full of patience and stillness. His stillness caused the crisis to be over as quickly as it began where he performed a “quarantine” around Cuba instead of launching a war against Russia.

Despite the enormous stress of the situation, we can hear in tapes and see in transcripts and photos taken at the time just how collaborative and open everyone was. No fighting, no raised voices. No finger-pointing (and when things get tense, Kennedy laughed it off). Kennedy didn't let his own ego dominate the discussions, nor did he allow anyone else’s to. When he sensed that his presence was stifling his advisor’s ability to speak honestly, he left the room so they could debate and brainstorm freely.

…In the tensest moments, Kennedy sought solitude in the White House Rose Garden (afterward, he would thank the gardener for her important contributions during the crisis). ~pg 15

If we can practise stillness in every action, we can perform every step with complete perfection. It is because the ego doesn't conduct the action, silence is the one that performs every action with beautiful art.

Therefore, complete awareness is essential in our every step, thus every action becomes a mindfulness practice. It is easier to say than to inculcate it. Yet, if we are able to accomplish them, there is no more else to worry about. We don't have to expect every result to be a victory as we will work unconditionally if we act with silence and in the present moment.

This is what I learnt from this amazing book. Thanks to Ryan Holiday for writing such a great book.

Thank you to Sahil Patel for giving me a great opportunity for creating a book challenge.

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Thank you for reading!

