The Summit | Motivation | Life

It’s Time To Know The Reason Of Your Failure

Let’s achieve what we want

Sahil Patel
The Summit


Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash

“You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success or are they holding you back?

– W. Clement Stone

Every person in the world has life ambitions. Everybody wants to get somewhere. Without goals, life is lacking. Every person should have a purpose in life that motivates them to get out of bed in the morning. We’re not just here to work, eat, and make ends meet. Having goals gives our lives direction.

But frequently we feel as though we are caught in a never-ending loop of spinning wheels that takes us nowhere near our goals. It’s simple to point the finger at several factors, such as our financial status, our environment, and our circumstances, when we are unable to see the results of our work. It’s simple to attribute our shortcomings to external factors. However, “you” are the cause.

You’re letting other things affect your failure, which I know is difficult to acknowledge. You underestimate your capacity to fulfill all of your goals. You must deal with the issues preventing you from attaining your goals in order to do this.

I’ve come to the conclusion that my tendency to want to satisfy other people is my largest roadblock to attaining my goals. Even if you sacrifice your own happiness, it is a fact that you can never make everyone happy. I used to always consider how other people would react before trying something new. I’ve consistently worried a lot about what people could think of me. It took me a long time to prioritize my needs over everyone else’s.

Along with that, I also worry about failing. I had never experienced failure because I was a top student in the classroom. Even the mere thought of failing was difficult. It showed me that early exposure to failures can help build strength in a person. When you witness failure at a very advanced age, you will break internally.

Now, when I look back, I find my thoughts stupid because in every trial, you either win or learn. There is nothing like failure. Every lesson you learn from your errors will prepare you to be successful.

"You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space."

- Johnny Cash

My confidence was the third thing that I constantly let get in the way. I never trusted myself enough to think I could accomplish everything I set my mind to. To achieve your goals, it’s crucial to believe in yourself. There will be times when you doubt your ability while you work toward achieving your dreams. Your efforts to achieve your goals can be impacted by self-doubt. However, you must have confidence in yourself, despite how challenging the circumstances may be. Negative thoughts should not be allowed to undermine your productivity. Focus on the positive aspects of life and be optimistic.

Never give up on yourself or your aspirations, regardless of how difficult life becomes. Always have faith in your ability to succeed.

Source: GIPHY

The prompt is,

What holds you back from achieving your goals? Analyze yourself and your actions to find the reason of your failures.

I would like to invite the writers of The Summit to respond to this prompt.

Sorina Raluca Băbău Shameem Anwar Colleen Millstead Lucia Landini Hamsalekha Arbab Z. Penelope Mayfield Erica J Ilana Lydia Libby Shively McAvoy Dr. Preeti Singh Donnette Anglin Yana Bostongirl Shameem Anwar Hamsalekha Ali Lucia Landini Esther George Thief Sorina Raluca Băbău Erica J Arbab Z. Orla Kenny B.R. Shenoy Lanu Pitan Kris Bedenian Penelope Mayfield Pene Hodge Libby Shively McAvoy Kimberly Hampton Nilsson Deepak Paul Margie Willis Colleen Millstead



Sahil Patel
The Summit

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