Poem: Break The Obstacles

Learn, Break and Achieve

The Summit


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Break the obstacles.
Say to yourself in your mind.
Say to yourself in your heart.
Say, “Break it.”
“It” is the obstacle.

It hinders your mind.
It hinders your heart.
It hinders your body.
It hinders your speech.
It hinders your actions.
It hinders your movements.

It hinders you with needless questions.
It hinders you with senseless confusion.
It hinders you with countless things.
Break your obstacle and become a limitless being.
Break it.

When failures hinder, break them.
Stand up and throw your final punch.
Or reflect, refine and rebuild a stronger punch.

Break everything that blocks your path.
Break distressing thoughts.
Break defeating emotions.
Break limiting beliefs.
Break rejections.
Remember the one who rejects you, has also been rejected by someone else before.
Remember what tries to eat your happiness from within, have also tried eating others before.
See obstacles as a…

