The Magic Words Are A Source Of Positivity In Life

Magic words are motivating

Dr. Preeti Singh
The Summit
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2022


The magic words

Some of my friends call me to cry on my shoulder whenever they have a problem. I have two sentences of reassurance. These are my magic sentences. I call them my magic words.

Everything is going to be alright!

Whatever happens, happens for thebest!

One of my young friends lost her job due to Covid. She came running to me telling me her story of woes in her life and how she is going to make her two ends meet.

She became an entrepreneur! She is working hard and is happy that she was pushed out of her comfort zone. She has been able to find her talent.

Now she repeats after me,

Whatever happens, happens for the best!

She is happy to receive Love, peace, joy which is my mantra for positivity

Another friend is having a lot of stress issues. She has a young kid and she is unable to balance her home and work life. Her cook left on some pretext and she felt she could not manage things well.



Dr. Preeti Singh
The Summit

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.