Inspiration | The Summit

The One Special Thing You Need To Do To Be Consistent

Make efforts to be consistent (Day:-3)

Sahil Patel
The Summit


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash


Welcome you all to the second prompt of the theme “Consistency”.

If you have missed yesterday's prompt, here you can read it.

“I’ve learned from experience that if you work harder at it, and apply more energy and time to it, and more consistency, you get a better result. It comes from the work.”

-Louis C. K.

Consistency takes time, effort, and hard work. It will help you to improve your performance and get better results. When you are fully motivated to start your journey of being consistent, there will be many speed breakers that will come in the journey. However, you just have to remind yourself that no matter what happens, you have to keep going on.

Let me tell you by one of my examples when I made a habit of waking up early and being consistent with my morning routine. Everything was going well in the initial days. However, after some time when my alarm rings, my mind start telling me it’s okay to sleep for 5 minutes and I wasn’t able to execute my daily schedule as I desired. When I was motivated, it was easy for me to keep thinking about positive ideas and working on my goals.

“Motivation is like taking a bath; If you stop doing it, you begin to stink!”

— Zig Ziglar

You have to take motivation every day to be consistent. To be consistent, you have to keep control of your thoughts.

Taking charge of your mindset and controlling your thoughts is the key to being consistent.

5 Ways To Control Your Thoughts


Meditation helps a lot to calm your mind. In these hectic days, our mind is constantly filled with thoughts. Therefore, it’s important to detox your mind.

Practice mindfulness to take control of your mind. However, it takes time and practice to control your thoughts through meditation.

“With meditation, you become a sensitized superhero, completely in control, with endless possibilities at your fingertips.” — Tara Stiles

Write Your Thoughts

Writing is a great thing. Writing down positive thoughts helps you to stay motivated. Not even positive, you should also write everything you have in your mind. It will help you to clear your mind and you will be able to make a decision.

It gives you a record of improvement. After some time, you will see a change in your thoughts and feelings. The main reason for writing your thoughts down is you will help you to get a clear action.

Manage Your Stress

To control your mind, you have to make your mind light. When you are under stress, your mind is filled with anxiety, negative thoughts, and pressure.

When you don’t have any stress, you can think clearly and function effectively.

Challenge Your Thoughts

Challenge your thought by ignoring them. The human mind is a complex thing. No matter how much you try you can’t avoid negative thoughts. Our minds will have positive and negative thoughts.

No practice or skill will help you to stop negative thoughts completely. You can only control them by avoiding them. Don’t give focus to negative thoughts. Let them come, let them stay, and let them go.

Don’t be influenced by them. In addition, you can replace your negative thought with a positive ones.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

-Willie Nelson


It’s not easy to control your mind. However, with time and practice, everything is possible. You can change your mind and your perspective by practicing.

“Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.”

-Mary Tyler Moore

Today’s prompt is,

Whenever you try to be consistent, does it hard for you to shut your mind and thoughts? If yes, what techniques do you use to control your thoughts? Share your stories at The Summit.

I want to sum up this piece by sitting a quote that will remind you of working hard.

“Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

-Sasha Cohen

You must maintain a healthy lifestyle, to stay fit because health is the greatest wealth. If you are fit and fine, it will be easy to fulfill your dreams.

I would like to invite Arbab Z. Giulietta Passarelli Hamsalekha to Erica J to share their views.

Always grateful for your support.


Here, are more detail about how to join this challenge and this community.



Sahil Patel
The Summit

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