An Unexpected Note That Brought Us To Tears — And Made a Lot of Hard Work Worth It

The Sundays Paper
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2020

For many dog years now, we’ve been developing an entirely new kind of dog food. We are, by the way, Dr. Tory Waxman and Michael Waxman, a veterinarian and a software engineer.

We decided early on that we only wanted to launch something if it was truly better and different than any of the 3,000 dog foods (3,000!) currently available in the US. We weren’t interested in just slapping a brand on something that already existed.

Finally, at the start of 2020, the food is ready, and we have a small pack of extremely happy beta dogs eating it, with great results. We’re ramping up our production and planning a broader rollout in the coming weeks.

An Unexpected Note

A few months ago, we wound up with a couple of extra boxes of food that we didn’t have room for. They were in a small living room in Cincinnati. We didn’t want to throw the food away, so we decided that it would be best to donate the food to a local shelter. We didn’t think any think of it. A few boxes made their way to a local shelter. And that was that. Or so we thought…

The other day, out of the blue, we received this e-mail in our general e-mail inbox (which, for us is actually woof@):

We teared up while reading it.

Sometimes you wonder if what you’re working on matters. If all the hard work has been worth it. If you’re making the world a little better than you found it. And then just at that moment, you get an e-mail like this.

Thank you to the Rescue Coordinator at SPCA Cincinnati who took the time to share this message. It means the world to us!

Dogs with Sundays at the SPCA Cincinnati (Courtesy of SPCA Cincinnati)

Shelter Program

The scruffy face of our rescue dog Mabel is on the front of all of our packaging (below), so the thought of this food helping other rescue pups moved us that much more. Of course, we will be sending a bunch more food to the SPCA Cincinnati, and we’re working to put together a larger scale shelter food donation program.

It’s always something we’ve talked about, but we underestimated the impact of how we might be able to help. We’re excited to increase our efforts here.

Sundays Food for Dogs

Launching Soon

We’re launching publicly in the coming weeks. You can sign up to be notified when the food is available: — we’re periodically letting in some dogs as we ramp up our production.

Without giving too much away about Sundays, we’ll leave you with a riddle that describes it:

It’s fresh, but it’s not refrigerated.

It’s easy, but it’s not kibble.

It’s tasty, but it’s not treats.

Back to customer service e-mails and getting ready to launch!

Dr. Tory and Michael Waxman



The Sundays Paper

Helping people spend more quality time with their dog family