10 Writing Excuses You Can Use When You’re Not Feeling It.

Jason Hallows
The Sundry Bugle
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2020
Photo by Neel on Unsplash

Did you promise yourself to write every day?

Did you make yourself swear on all things holy that you would write 2000 words per day — but you just don’t feel like it today?

“Better a broken promise than none at all.” ― Mark Twain

Well, here are some excuses that you can use wherever you just need a break from writing the stories and feelings that burn inside of you, and below those, you’ll find the things you need to hear to sit down and write.

  1. I didn’t sleep well last night.
  2. I have to work.
  3. My back hurts.
  4. The kids are screaming.
  5. Writing is hard.
  6. Nobody likes what I write anyway.
  7. It’s a beautiful day outside.
  8. I need to learn more about ‘writing’ before I move forward.
  9. I don’t feel inspired today.
  10. I’ll start after I run to Starbucks for a latte.

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” — Louis L’Amour

  1. Nobody slept well last night. Sit your butt down and write.
  2. We all have to work. Sit your butt down and write.
  3. My back hurts too. Sit your butt down and write.
  4. Write a story about screaming children. Learning to write with distractions will make you strong. Sit your butt down and write after checking to make sure the kids are okay.
  5. Writing is only as hard as you make it. It’s relatively simple to sit down and write. It doesn’t all have to be great, but by forcing yourself to write, when you don’t feel like it is conditioning. It’ll make you a better writer. Sit your butt down and write.
  6. Who cares? If your writing is genuine and from your heart, someone will like it. Sit your butt down and write.
  7. It’s a beautiful day, is it? Sit your butt down and write so you can go out and enjoy it! Or how about this? Take your laptop outside and write. Or, take a pad of paper and a Bic pen and write, just sit your butt down and write.
  8. Learn by writing. Sit your butt down and write.
  9. Inspiration is a jealous mistress; inspiration will return as soon as you start writing. Sit your butt down and write.
  10. When this, then that. We all love coffee. Make your Quad Long Shot Grande in a doubled venti cup with no sleeve, salted caramel mocha latte with two pumps of vanilla, two pumps of white chocolate mocha, and two pumps of hazelnut. With half whole milk and half almond milk with no whipped cream, extra caramel drizzle, and a scoop of salted vanilla bean powder with light ice well stirred, a reward for sitting your butt down and writing.

Jason Hallows is a writer, filmmaker, and post-production master. He writes fiction regularly and has just completed his third novel. His work has also appeared on Sesame Street, The National Geographic Channel.



Jason Hallows
The Sundry Bugle

I write, I write, and I write. I enjoy few things more than pulling stories from the cobwebbed recesses of my brain. I also make some pretty mean Tiki Drinks.