About Share the Sunrise

Austin Mann
share the sunrise
1 min readFeb 4, 2016


Few experiences in the world possess the power to make us wait. We always have the power to speed it up… throw it in the microwave, push down the gas pedal, find a faster WiFi and so on…

But is there value in simply being still and waiting for something at a pace we can’t control?

To find out, I decided to start a new habit I’m calling Share the Sunrise where I get up, shoot the sunrise and share breakfast with a friend once a week. It takes the foresight to plan ahead, the discipline to get up before the rest of the world and the patience to wait.

The rules are pretty simple:

  1. Find a friend
  2. Shoot the sunrise
  3. Share breakfast.

When was the last time you sat down to watch the sun rise?

Does it ever strike you that most of us sleep through this amazing beauty over our heads nearly every single day?

I’ll be shooting one sunrise every single week this year and I’d encourage you all to do the same! I’ve barely begun but already finding it immensely rewarding.



Austin Mann
share the sunrise

Travel photographer & tech geek. Founded @WELD because I believe we were made to create together.