OP-ED: Why Trump Shouldn’t Be Banned From State Elections

Written by Ethan Tsai, Edited by Olivia Lu

The Sunset Scroll
The Sunset Scroll
2 min readJan 11, 2024


Maine — Jan. 7 — Within the last two months, Former President Donald Trump has been banned from appearing on the electoral ballot in two states: Colorado and Maine. Both have become strong Blue states in the last few years, voting against Trump in the last two presidential elections. But while many herald this move as a legitimate and effective way to ensure Trump does not win the presidency, these actions are arguably worsening the situation for Democrats.

Credit: The Hill News

The belief that Trump should be barred from the Presidential office is an understandable one. Many view his role in the Capitol Riots as treasonous, and compounded with the several ongoing legal trials against him, there is certainly a strong case declaring him unsuitable for the role. However, banning him from the ballot in states is a risky move, with historical and social significance that may be the final event to kick off major political riots or conflicts in the United States. The other notable instance of a president being banned from state ballots was back in the 1880s, when Abraham Lincoln was removed as an option from dozens of Southern states for fear of his progressive views against the practice of slavery, which could (and would) produce results during a possible presidency.

Although this comparison falls apart quickly under inspection, the fact that it can be made in the first place is detrimental enough, in an age where politics are fueled by slogans over sense. While keeping dubious politicians out of office is important, I would argue that the left should also consider the effects of Trump losing the election on a margin that could have been overcome by the Colorado and Maine GOP voter bases; such a situation would create an election crisis even worse than the last one, this time with a stronger argument for accusations of “rigged elections.” It would then be easy for Trump’s voter base to claim they were right all along, which would cause a further divide in America’s political climate.

It’s apparent that Trump is, if nothing else, a highly controversial candidate to regain the Presidential office. It’s also understandable that given how the pandemic response and foreign policy shaped out during his administration, Democrats would want to do everything possible to avoid him winning the 2024 election. But for the sake of preserving what’s left of the “United” in the United States, and avoid turning him into an “election martyr,” it’d be better off letting the election run its natural course.



The Sunset Scroll
The Sunset Scroll

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