[SATIRE] Marginalized Once Again: Cultural Clubs Displaced To 3 Hall

By Cole Taylor and Riley Mitlehner

The Sunset Scroll
The Sunset Scroll
2 min readNov 2, 2023


Image of the Indian Student Association cultural club located outside auditorium side doors. (Credit: SHS Updates)

Note: This is a satirical article. Any claims are for comedic purposes only.

Sunset High School — Oct. 30 — In a move suspiciously reminiscent of the ethnic and religious marginalization that’s plagued our country since its inception, all cultural clubs were moved to the back of 3 Hall. Cultural clubs, student-run organizations that unite students of the same religions and ethnicities, celebrate the diversity of Sunset’s students. Sunset has repeatedly stressed the importance of diversity in the school, so what gives? Was this support all performative? Because it certainly seems like it.

The displaced clubs were originally going to be displayed in 1 Hall but were moved because of the abundance of clubs this year. They were removed from their original homes and moved to a less desirable location under the orders of an elite group with disproportionate power. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? We’re going to need the History Bowl club to analyze just how deep these parallels go.

Clubs aren’t usually displayed in 3 Hall, as it’s an area that doesn’t get as much foot traffic. Those unaware of the change could have very well missed all of the incredible clubs that were on display. Cultural clubs are all about finding community, so moving them away from the majority of student traffic made absolutely no sense — a different category would have been a better choice.

However, I do want to say thank you to everyone in leadership who were working really hard to get all the tables set up in 3 Hall at the last minute. You guys were amazing.



The Sunset Scroll
The Sunset Scroll

The Sunset Scroll is Sunset High School’s source for student news, features, and current event coverage. Our articles are 100% student-written and published.