Eliminate These 3 Thoughts to Change Your Life

I bet you think them.

Maya Sayvanova
The Super You


My mother has let herself go.

Even her ability to dress well doesn’t help cover up the belly and the arm fat. She also smokes again. She even does it when she’s around my kids, which infuriates me.

So I’ve been trying to change her.

Before you conclude it’s a lost cause, let me tell you this: my mother took her driving license at fifty, a year after I conquered my fears and started driving daily.

She also started to look for a serious relationship a bit after I got married.

I’m my mom’s inspiration, and I’m trying to make the best of it. I keep sending her videos to watch. I share with her the best self-development concepts I know. I’m working to lose weight myself.

Whenever we have the chance to sit down for coffee, just the two of us, I try to nudge her in the right direction, but I keep tripping in the way she thinks about life. Her thoughts are designed to reject change.

I thought it was just her stubbornness until the other day, when my hairdresser said, “I know exactly how to lose weight if I want to, but I look okay. Plus, my husband likes me as I am, so why bother?”



Maya Sayvanova
The Super You

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