Why Ginger Buyers are willing to pay Million Dollars for Nigerian Ginger

Ginger: virtues, benefits, uses, a spice that has become essential trading commodity

Sarah Ahmed
The Suppliers Network
6 min readNov 17, 2020


Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash

Its spicy taste enchants, surprises or disturbs our palates, for culinary use but also praised for its health benefits, easy to find, ginger has almost everything to please.


Cultivated in all the hot regions of the planet, ginger is a spice used in a large number of cuisines in Asia but also in the West in desserts in particular. The rhizome is very rich in starch.

It contains protein, fat, essential oil, and resin. It is often used in cooking for its spicy taste and oriental flavor. Slices of ginger are served with sushi and Japanese sashimi, recipes based on rice, seaweed and fresh fish.

It aids digestion and also has the function of cleaning the palate between dishes. It is also eaten and drunk as an iced or heated infusion.

How to prepare the detox infusion of fresh ginger:

For 1 liter of preferably filtered water, you will need 5 cm of ginger.

Cut the ginger into thin slices and let it infuse in boiling water for at least 20 minutes, cooking thus releases the most resistant antioxidants.

Drink hot or cold, with lemon juice (antioxidant) and honey for amateurs.

Ginger has many virtues, from a simple tonic to a natural medicine, it is used fresh, raw or cooked. For its health benefits, it is also possible to find it in capsules, powder, herbal tea and syrup.

The health benefits of ginger


Ginger is rich in minerals: manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and also calcium, sodium and iron.

It contains the vitamin B3, B1 and B2 in a smaller amount, fresh ginger contains the vitamin C.

There is also copper in raw ginger, this element is necessary for the formation in the body of hemoglobin and collagen, proteins used for the structure and repair of tissues.

It is rich in antioxidants *

Ginger has no less than 40 antioxidant compounds, cooking promoting the release of the most resistant.

* Antioxidants protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals.

With turmeric, mint, coriander, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, it ranks among the most antioxidant fresh vegetables.

An antioxidant cocktail of choice: ginger, garlic and onion

This mixture is more antioxidant than each food taken separately. Prepare your palates! It may be a bit surprising but the beneficial effects are guaranteed.

In addition, garlic, onion and ginger reduce the risk of damage to the arteries and therefore improve blood circulation in the legs.

Does ginger have anti-inflammatory properties?

Some studies have shown that fresh ginger relieves arthritis pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties are however still to be studied scientifically.

Photo by Dominik Martin on Unsplash

A natural pain-relieving blend: garlic, ginger, honey and apple vinegar

The advantage of the natural remedy is that it rarely has any side effects. These ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The mixture can act as a pain reliever for arthritis and asthma.


25 garlic cloves to crush or cut

1 cup of apple cider vinegar (250 ml)

1 cup of pure bee honey (340 gr)

½ cup of lemon juice (125ml)

½ cup of ginger juice (125 ml)

Combine the garlic cloves, lemon juice, and ginger juice in a blender

Add apple cider vinegar and honey.

Store in the refrigerator in a carafe or glass bottle for 1 week.

Dilute 2 tablespoons of the drink in water

Drink afterwards before sleeping.

Does ginger work against diabetes?

According to a scientific study yes, the consumption of 3gr of ginger powder for 8 weeks in individuals with type 2 diabetes reduces the blood sugar levels of these people, the study therefore concludes positive results.

However, interactions are possible with taking medication, so it is important to consult the doctor in some cases before consuming powdered ginger.

Ginger, tonic, aphrodisiac, and anti-cold.

Ginger is known to stimulate the immune system but also the libido. Especially for women during menopause, it would act as a first choice aphrodisiac.

This root with many powers is also said to warm cold feet, calm winter chills and fight against fever. If you are feeling feverish and chilly, ginger is your ally!

Ginger as a prevention or remedy for common ailments


Whether it is a virus, motion sickness or nausea in pregnancy, it would be as effective (less drowsiness side effects), as scopolamine, a drug prescribed by doctors against the illness transports. Research in 2003 at the University of Michigan, USA, confirms the benefits of ginger against nausea.


There are no scientific studies confirming its effectiveness, but it has been proven to relieve feverishness and fever in people with colds.

Headaches, beginnings of migraines

Bloating, ginger tea is welcome.

Can consuming ginger be dangerous?

In the event of pregnancy and breastfeeding:

Scientific studies hypothesize a link between consumption of ginger and miscarriages, others state that it could lead to complications in pregnancy. So it would be preferable, in these cases, to consult a doctor before consuming it on a regular basis.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to consume it.

In some people, ginger can cause mouth inflammation

According to an Australian study, ginger is a superior blood thinner than aspirin.

For this reason, taking ginger may be incompatible with certain health conditions and taking medication. Ginger acts as a more potent blood thinner than aspirin, which makes it especially incompatible with taking blood thinning medications.

Ginger, a food to avoid in heart disease

Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash

Ginger essential oil

You can consult a naturopath to personalize this use. The essential oil of ginger is recommended among others in case of fatigue, incipient depression, emotional imbalance (inhibition) or hair loss, sinusitis and overwork.

The essential oil can be diffused, inhaled, or used as a massage oil.

Its particular benefits are to tone and balance the nervous system, ginger is also a libido stimulator.

To receive the benefits of essential oil, each person being different and the dosages and modes of use varying according to the desired treatment, it is strongly recommended to consult a naturopathic doctor

Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

How to contact foreign buyers of Nigerian ginger

Since Nigeria is in direct competition with India and China that enjoys being the leading export countries, hence getting in the way the demand for Nigerian ginger in the world market. Nigeria being the leading African producer of many commodities and among the world’s top five producers, Nigerian ginger exporters are facing a decline in demand across the companies that buy ginger. The major challenge for Nigeria is to find capacities for developing new export markets and existing ones. The existing export markets of Nigeria are USA, UK and Asia.

Well, the main question stands is how it goes for finding buyers for fresh ginger is a tough task and one has to consider tough factors like trust and tedious paper work. Here are a few options, to get it right away!

· National Exports Directory

· Chamber of Commerce

· Buying agents

· Online Search Engines

· Online social media platforms

· Online ads

· Online marketplace Portals



Sarah Ahmed
The Suppliers Network

Digital Marketing and Social Media Savvy/ Writer love to write about current affairs and economic affairs/ Commerce graduate