Starting SVD …

Tensor Lover
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2017

Three years ago, we were wondering places to apply for doing the PhD. Some of us were looking for places where we could finally discover the meaning of deep learning, others wanted to learn as much numerical methods as possible, and others just wanted to solve the most difficult optimization problems. But also underneath, we were looking for a place made for the best, and in one way or another, we wanted to prove that we were worthy to be there.

What we found a year after was a bit of a different situation. Yes, we were with the "best", but in what sense? We found ourselves struggling, dealing with a huge courseload in an extremely fast quarter system. At the same time the feeling that there are many many things going on and there is no time to make all of them, and sometimes a feeling of despair of seeing how many opportunites we were missing out because of not being capable to do "everything perfect”

Quals stress substituted slowly our initial eager to produce groundbreaking research in the first year. We learnt that applied math problems are hard. But in the middle of these obscure times, some other lights inside us started to brighten. Empathy, team-work, self-care were words that started to be important and meaningful in our everyday lives. We started to share our experiences, and although it didn't vanish the problems, let us looking at them in other perspective, being aware that we were not the only ones in those situations.

That sharing process is what is behind SVD. Once we rationalize what we are thinking, we can write it and share it with others. And at the same time, we can scroll through others thoughts anywhere, anytime: in the middle of our daily activities in the restroom, or waiting to be called for an interview in a tech company.

And although feelings and struggles were the inspiration for SVD, this is not the only focus of the publication. We just want to have a place were to talk about our research insights, our hobbies, handful tips, interesting new concepts, etc.

So my invitation is to go ahead and share your SVD thoughts :)

