Meet…Anton Erholt, Data Engineer in the DataOps team

SVT interactive
The SVT Tech Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2022

What is your job title and does it mean?

My job title is Data Engineer. I am responsible for shovelling data through pipelines so it ends up in the right place at the right time.

How does a typical day look like?

On a typical day I wear lots of different hats.

The hat of a librarian — I help users find the data that suit their needs and model / categorize data in our data warehouse (Google BigQuery).

The hat of a hacker — I make sure we handle our assets safely and that correct permissions are given.

The hat of a investigator — Digging deep in to the mysteries of our data. Why do the video bitrate change events look different coming from iOS compared to the events coming from our Android clients?

How long have you been at SVT?

I have been at SVT for a bit more than a year and a half. I started during the pandemic. The onboarding was great!

What is special about working in Public Service?

Working for PS in general or SVT in particular gives me an feeling of importance. I contribute to making society better. A little more well informed. A little more curious.

Tell us about a project you’ve worked on at SVT that you’re especially proud of

I work on Helix, SVT’s data platform. I’m really proud of that Helix is used as a single source of truth (SSOT) for many important reports and presentations in the company. They rely on me and my team.

If you were to brag about something at a dinner, what would it be?

I wouldn’t, I would reach into my pocket, grab my harmonica and play a tune.

What is your superpower?

I am very curious and love to investigate things that look like they are out of place.

What is your best advice for someone starting to work in your field?

Watch a lot of youtube videos! Stick to what you find interesting.

Do you have any favorite life hacks or work shortcuts?

Remove distractions and take a lot of breaks. I frequently use the pomodoro technique. Also, do not be afraid to ask for someone’s help or opinion.



SVT interactive
The SVT Tech Blog

SVT interactives development blog. Here we try to give insights into our processes and thought on how we develop, design and deliver our services.