Find Your Ikigai

Summer Lotus
the sweet life
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2024


…. daily scenario in a busy train

Photo by Chang Hsien on Unsplash

Commuters come and go

Some saunter into the cabin

Some budge in in a hurry

Faces of various expressions and moods of the day

One standing nonchalantly, wondering

Would it be a day that’s run of the mill

Or one that goes as he wills

Another frowns in a corner

He has a burden on his shoulders

Excited voices sound in the air

Laughter, giggles and gossips chatter

Lovely voices even if they stutter

To the dismay of some but indifference of others

The babble heard above the rattle

of the train tracks

While the air plays the musical pings of boarding and getting off

Noses wheeze and coughs crackle while throats clear

And fellow commuters retreat in fear

You can retreat into your inner space

Surround yourself with a prayer of grace

Time marches on, the destination. draws near, and a task needs to be done

Till one finds one’s ikigai, life may not be exactly fun

– – – – –

Ikigai – – the reason to live



Summer Lotus
the sweet life

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.