The Magic Of Staying Calm

Summer Lotus
the sweet life
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2024


Photo by Lo Sarno on Unsplash

In our hurried, busy and noisy world, we are swept along by the demands and drills of daily life that we may forget to take some still moments for reflection.

Consequently, thoughts are sometimes superseded by impulsive responses which may produce negative consequences.

In this respect, it is advised by the wise and those who have gone through the vicissitudes of life to pause and ponder.

As we grow older, we should cultivate being quiet and calm in the face of troubles perceived.

There is the story of the lost pocket watch. A merchant had a valuable heirloom in the form of an antique watch which he liked to show around.

One day, he misplaced the watch while in his warehouse and he ordered his workers to search for it with a reward for the finder.

It was not successful. As the sun set, the hungry workers decided to search again after dinner.

The merchant’s son returned home and heard of the incident. He went to the warehouse and soon was able to retrieve the watch.

Surprised by the young man’s ability, the workers asked him how he had found the watch. The young man said, “I just sat in the corner, focussed and listened for the ticking sound in the quiet warehouse. That led me to it”.



Summer Lotus
the sweet life

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.